Chapter 34

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Morgan's POV

I know that I will always be there for Hannah but there is something that she is hiding from and I am going to find out.

How I know this is she has been acting really weird and all she talks about is Cameron and Death I don't know why the whole death maybe its just a thing she has been watching or I can't even think or say it.

Anyway Taylor and I haven't talked or even hung out in a month I know what your thinking "it hasn't been a month"! But it has been and a very long one to.

School ended last week and I don't even know what went on I was sick with the flu.

But I wish Taylor was here no matter that I am angry at him or I don't even know anymore what I am to him or What I want to be with him but I am so lonely and he always makes me smile.


So today I decided to go on a walk to the park and guess who I was Taylor and he was with a girl holding hands and having kissy faces and I almost threw up all over the place and then again I decided to soy in them( I know weird) but I didn't care i wanted to know!

They were taking about moving in together!

I wanted to walk over to them and wipe that smile off their faces it bothered me so much!

I just acted like I just walked to the park then the worst thing happened! Taylor proposed to her and I lost it.

I walk home crying the whole time thinking "why does this always happen to me, why does boys always run away from me, why do I push people away that care, why,why,why" is all I could say.

I was lucky to someday fun someone to get married have kids and die together but the way I am I probably won't get married have kids or die with someone I will have no one and I will die alone. As I thought to myself I started to just think more about why, all I thought of was why did my

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