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      The light rain bit into her skin like thousands of whips, the cool drops soothing the pain almost as fast as they caused it. Allie stared at her hand sticking out of the car window. She wasn't thrilled about where she was going, but it was better than where she had been – supposedly. The window pinching her arm as her social worker rolled the window up snapped her out of her thoughts.

      "Ow! A little warning would've been nice." Allie groaned, rubbing the now sore spot on her arm.

     "Sorry dear, I didn't mean to hurt you; but I did tell you I would be rolling the window up." Alicia retorted. Allie had only known Alicia for a few weeks, ever since her last foster mom decided that she was a threat to her marriage. Apparently, it was Allie's fault that Mr. Devereaux couldn't control his eyes.

     Allie sighed and checked her phone again as they flew past the sign to the newest small, nowhere town that she would be calling home. Nothing new from El, her best friend from when her real parents were still alive. El and Allie had gone to school together from pre-k until third grade, when Allie moved to Oklahoma with her first new family. El still lived in Freer, only about eight hours from where Allie would be living. The two would both be seniors this year, and they planned on attending college together afterwards.

     "So..." Allie began, "what are their names?"

     "Her name is Katherine. But she says that everyone calls her Kat." Alicia responded; too chipper, in Allies opinion, for having driven for two days already.

     "And the guy?" Allie retorted

     "Well, this time is a bit different Allie." Alicia said with a small smile. "There's only Kat. And two other foster girls. They all work a ranch in Chalk. Kat has had a total of ten foster children that have all aged out with her. All of them worked the ranch with her and most of them still come and visit her for holidays and such"

     "Oh. Wonderful. I get to work for another adult who's just going to send me back in a few months," Allie says with a huff, crossing her arms.

      "Allie..." Alicia starts sadly, "Please give her a chance. I know you haven't had the best experiences, but I promise she will be different." She put up a finger as Allie opened her mouth "And before you interrupt me, I know you've heard that before. But that was before you had me as a social worker. You had the same one for far too many years and there's a reason he was dismissed from your file."

     Allie rolled her eyes and put in her headphones. She'd heard the same speech from four other social workers before Alicia. And every one of them, without fail, dropped the file because she had been through too many families. Because they thought she would just live in a foster house until she turned eighteen and then just move on like too many others. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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