Victoria, British Columbia

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Whether standing in front of beautiful, patina-stained buildings, or inside outdoor arboretums, this city has a lot to offer. I hope your visa is long enough to stay, because you might love it here! My visa wasn't so lucky...

I could never write words skillfully enough to detail what a kind soul, a free spirit they had. So I'll let Elton John (or more specifically, Bernie Taupin) write them for me:

We learned to be so graceful

Watching wild horses running

And from those agile angels

We knew the tide was turning

For we watched as on the skyway

The herons circled slowly

While we mere mortals watched them fly

Our sleepless eyes grew heavy

Ah, not even that could detail how wonderful they were. They were an old soul like me, but they had a contemporary outlook on life that I both adored and envied, for I didn't have one. They were such a joy, and I wanted to give them every single thing I owned. Their eyes and smile and lovely hair were things of dreams, something I could never, ever approximate with my own powers. They reminded me that they were imperfect, but that only seemed to bring me closer to believing in their perfection, for they had scars like I had. I truly wish I could have been there in their time of need like they were with I. They were... incredible, to say the least. So incredible.

It was such an abrupt fashion in which we split, which broke my world. It made me cry floods, and I knew that no element of fire or water or air or earth could make me forget about them. I could never forget, but I could wait until my heart was healed, and I thought that time would be quick.

But of everyone, they were the one that I had to wait the longest before my heart was ready for someone else again, they were the one that I cried for the most. Once it was all over, though, it helped me find someone new, someone amazing.

Now that I've waited, my heart is ready and in adoration of someone else, all thanks to them for sorta pushing me out the nest.

Now that I look back, I will never regret knowing them, and being with them. And I know they'll be a good friend, once we get to know each other again.

Victoria is such a beautiful place, in all seasons, in all times. The harbor shines a beautiful auburn, reflecting the fluffy evening sunset clouds, while horses trot along the streets.

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