Guardian Angel AU - Part 2

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“Are you that single that you're still stuck on your dream boyfriend?” Disbelief rang through that voice as Kurou raised his head away from his notebook, turning to whoever spoke, fast enough that it could anyone watching whiplash. “Did I strike a nerve?” The voice had an amused laugh trying hard not to escape.

“What do you want Itoha?” Brows knitted as a sour expression appeared on Kurou's face, his tone showing he was clearly annoyed. “Why are you even in my room for that matter?” He swiveled his chair around to face his younger sister. Her arms folded behind her back with an innocent smile, as if she hadn't done anything wrong with being in a room that had a clear sign on the door to knock first before being allowed to enter or not.

“Dad said to check on your because you've been up in your room for so long that you missed lunch. It's almost dinner time now.” As she spoke her reason for being here uninvited, she began to poke around her older brother's room. It was tidy for the most part, save for all the used up journals and sketchbooks that were littered around Kurou's bed. “You're really hung up on this dream guy.” She muttered to herself for the most part as she flipped through pages of an old sketchbook that had nothing but rough sketches of the man with wings. “You gonna end up like one of those nutjobs on tv that wear a tinfoil hat.”

“First of all!” He pushed himself away from his desk and took back the judged sketchbook, hugging it close to his chest as he began to scoot back to his desk. “I'm not going to become a nutjob. And secondly, this dream guy is probably some dude I saw once. The mind can't create faces for dreams, it uses faces that they've seen before. So dream guy is a real guy, I just don't know him.”

“You think he has insomnia if you always think about him?” Itoha joked as she picked up another notebook, Kurou finally standing up and snatching it away from her hands. “I’m just saying! If this dude is real then he must be sleepless! Cause if you can’t fall asleep at night that’s because someone is thinking about you!” She tried hard not to laugh as she played a game of pick up and snatch away with her brother until there was nothing more for her to pick up. He was quiet this whole time so the game wasn’t that fun for her, so once she saw nothing more to grab she simply left.

Golden eyes glared at their door until you believed it would be set on fire for how intense the glare was becoming. Once hearing a ‘click’ the dark-haired male let out a heavy breath of relief that he didn’t know he had been holding until it left him. Looking down at all the journals that were being hugged as if they were living, he strode over to his unmade bed and let them all fall onto the bed below. He was quiet for a bit before groaning out heavily when he just noticed that his previous train of thought was now completely derailed.

Begrudgingly he went back to his desk, plopped down in his spinny chair and stared at the barely started drawing. Fingers dug into his hair and he lowered his head enough to almost touch the papers that covered his desk like a cloth. “I was so close… I was remembering your face this time…” He whined out in defeat as he could feel his eyelids become heavy from both his lack of sleep and his pent up frustration.

“Go eat something then come back up here and rest. I promise when you wake up you’ll feel better.”

As if on cue, Kurou’s stomach let out a rumble that made you think his gut was maybe trying to speak to the whales. Even with his stomach asking for attention the frustrated male didn’t move an inch. He stayed put in his position of defeat until he felt a warm pair of weightless hands place themselves upon his shoulders.

“Go eat and then come back to rest.”

The weightless hands moved away when Kurou brought himself to stand up properly and finally leave his cave. For some reason, he looked back into his room as if trying to find someone else within there but turned away when his eyes were met with no one. “Hey, dad! What's for dinner?” The question was loudly asked as he began to close the door to his bedroom, making his way down the hall to look into the kitchen. He would be met with the sight of his father making the food again or not.

“You still remind me of why you need to be watched Kurou Karasu.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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