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☆゚. * ・ 。゚☆゚. * ・ 。゚☆゚. * ・ 。゚☆

Months Later...

"hey guys!are you ready for Jisung's Birthday????????" Minho enthusiastically clapped his hands as he gained the Attention(pun intented ;) of the other Members who is sitting on the couch..

"do i look like im not ready???" Felix crossed his arms..

"I WOULDN'T HAVE WASTED SCOTCHTAPES IF I WERENT READY." Felix huffed in annoyance making Minho and Changbin Facepalm

"babe...you dont know how to wrap a gift unless i thought you the other day.."Changbin rubbed his  boyfriend's back

" shhhh...Everyone..Chan hyung and Jisung is here soon!!"Minho shushed as he shoved his phone into his pocket and closed the lights and wait in the corner..


"Chan hyung!!" Jisung Huffed as he tried to Catch up with the Older who was practically making him chase him.. "Jisung!come on!you can do better than that!"

"but hyung...its my birthday.." Jisung frowned slightly.."exactly now come on!"

once he reaxhed the Older who was on the door of their dorm,Chan Smirked whule typing something on his phone.."Wh-why are you like that??"Jisung asked..

Jisung..like you dont see that every single fucking day(i just spoke my mind what about

"lets iust go inside yeah??" Chan Smiled brightly..

Jisung Huffed as he opened the Dorm door..Founding the Ligts closed he Decided to Open it..


"they're here!!" Woojin whispered as they hid deeper in the couch


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAN JI-aw!" Minho Groaned in Pain as Felix's Head hit his own..

"Hey!its not my fault your head was big!!" Felix Hissed.."Hey!you're the one who decided to hid beside me!!!"Minho hissed back

"guys..Jisung is Here.." Woojin and Seungmin calmly stated,making the two boys froze in shock as they fixed their postures and Greeted Jisung...again i guess??

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAN JISUNG!!" The Eight Boys Cheered around him Making Jisung Giggle heartily

"Guys!!you dont Have to!" Jisung Laughed...Tears almost forming in his eyes..Minho walked closer to him and Hugged him.."ofcourse we have to baby...We All Love you..especially me.."Minho whispered the last part making Jisung Blush..

"Thank you everyone.."Jisung Spoke making the other seven boys smile at him..

" Okayyy!!!ITS CAKE BLOWING TIME YOU FREAKS!!!"Seungmin out of nowhere suddenly jumped and shouted..nobody knows how did that happen..

Chan Walked in the room with a cake in his Hands..

"Happy Birthday To you~Happy Birthday to you~" They all sang until they stopped for Felix To Continue

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY DEAR HAEN JISAENGGG!!HEPPY BERTHDAEYYY TOOOO YOUOOOOO!!!" Felix Screamed,causing everyone on the dorm except for him to cover their ears..

"as i expected..your Boyfriend is more of a Freak than mine.." Hyunjin whispered beside Changbin..

"i am not arguing about that..you're right.."


it was Present opening time..

Jeongin was First..

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