The doctor plays....Minecraft!?!

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I am just really bored and have no other inspiration so i decided to combine the 2 best things ever. Minecraft and Doctor Who. The amount of mayhem and chaos is ridiculous. Also I will add a little auto-biography about me at the end.Now enough with the AN.



(Coreys POV)

I decided that today we were going to play minecraft.I asked the doctor if he had ever played it and he didn't even know what it is.How on gallifrey did a 1000 year old not know what minecraft was?After we had gotten an account we started up a LAN world on survival.I did the basic survival vanilla stuff and built a house.The whole time the doctor sat there staring a cow in the face complaining that it was wrong and nothing like a cow.I said "It is just a game and doesn't have to be completely real".

Monique has just found a giant vein of iron and made a pickaxe for me and her.The doctor was still staring at there cow when a creeper when 'tsssssssssss' and blew up.Then doctor screamed and ran out the room.Me and Monique sat there laughing while we could heard then doctor yelling as he ran around the TARDIS.

I decided that it was a bit dull and added the mo'creatures mod and the transformation mod.When then doctor was back on I changed into a butterfly.The doctor ran up to me not knowing it was.He sat there and stared when I Suddenly attacked with my iron sword.

After he died he yelled "How does a butterfly kill you".I started laughing really heard and managed to choke out "I got the *wheeze* transformation mod and *gasp* turned into a butterfly".I found a couple diamonds soon after that.We played for a couple more hours then hopped off.


I hope you liked that short chappie.


Name:(Sorry you don't need to know:*)


Like:Computer games, doctor Who, books and minecraft.

Dislike: 1Direction(They absolutely suck and are totally gay)(No offence to any directioners)

I am best friends with derptor in real life.

So there you go.A little bit about me.Comment if you like minecraft or not.

Fezzes rule

Cat meow

     ^ ^



Pugs are awrsome :)

Any more questions about me or my life ask in comments(No offensive questions please).

I'm in a happy mood so smileys for everyone.



Which ones not a smiley?

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9??

Sorry if really short, don't have much inspiration

(If you really need to know you can ask what my name is in the comment box)And if I don't post a chapter every week it's because I only have wifi every 2nd week.:):)

Sometimes on odd days.

sososososo sorry for not updating in like forever

.(please don't send Daleks after me )

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