Chapter 1 - How We Met

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Hayes POV

Hearing the crowd chanting my name and cheering right before a show was probably the best and worst thing about performing. Hearing that many people pumped me up massively for a show, but it also scared me. Thousands of people had gathered together to watch just on person perform. Me. I can never fully digest or process the reality of the situation. Only 18 years old with hundreds of thousands of fans all across the world. It was a crazy reality to live in.

I placed my earpiece into my ear and picked up the mic from the table backstage.
"You ready kiddo?" My mum turned to me.
"Always ready." I nodded.
"Go out there and give them the best night of their lives." She hugged me quickly.
The whole team and some of my family gathered into a huddle and said our graces before they started chanting my name to get me even more hyped up.
"Let's go do this." I clapped my hands.

I heard the beginning of my song start playing and I quickly got onto the understage lift so that I could be elevated onto the stage. It was pitch black for a few moments until the light from the arena made contact with my eyes for the first time. The crowd completely electrified when they saw me and screams could be heard from all around the arena.

"What's good London!" I shouted into the mic.

I started rapping the first verse of my song and then the music stopped.
"Who's ready to have a good time tonight!?"
The crowd screamed and cheered.
"Thank you all for coming tonight to support me, it feels good to finally be back home! Let's get this shit cracking though!"

The music started again and we continued through the song. The crowd knew the words to my songs and said it along with me throughout the night. It was an electrifying and surreal feeling to have thousands of people know the words to all of my songs. I never thought that I would be here, but here I am finally. I'm in front of thousands of people who actually love me and love my talent and work. How crazy is that.

The show lasted an hour and 21 minutes and by the end of it I was still hyped up and ready to go again. I walked backstage to where some of my team were and they clapped and cheered for me after my first show back. I had taken a break from the shows in the summer, but then I really started to blow up and I was pretty much on demand. My mother hugged me and had a wide smile across her face.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I chuckled at her.
She just shook her head and kept smiling.
"What?" I laughed.
"I'm just so proud of you Hayes." She pulled me in for another big hug.
"Means a lot to hear you say that." I admitted.

After I had spoken to my team and manager, I headed to my dressing room where I changed out of my outfit and into joggers and a sweatshirt. I pulled on my puffer jacket also and packed my things away. I heard the door to my dressing room open and close again, but I just assumed it was someone from my team. After there being complete silence for nearly a minute while I was packing my things, I decided to turn around and see who it was that was in my dressing room. Or see if anyone was actually here, because at this point I was starting to believe it was either a ghost or I was just hearing things. Once I had stood up and turned around, the figure in front of me nearly caused me to pass out.
"Hey." She smiled softly. 
"Um...hey." I struggled to get out. "You're Billie..."
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Was I dreaming, or hallucinating?
"I know." She chuckled. "And you're Hayes."
"Yeah..." I trailed off. "Are I...what is going on?"
She walked towards me and chuckled lightly at my confusion.
"I'm glad you find this amusing." I chuckled too.
"I came to watch your show." Billie clarified. "You're all some people talk about where I'm from and you've been a big deal on social media lately, so I just came to see you live in the flesh."
"You flew down here just to watch me?" I asked baffled.
"And to meet you, hopefully spend some time with you, get to know you. Whatever it is normal people do these days."
We both laughed at her statement and Billie just shook her head at her joke.

"It's flattering that you came here to see me. I didn't even know that you knew me..."
"I'd seen videos and posts of you online, you'd been written about in articles and on radios and tv shows. I couldn't miss you if I tried to be completely honest."
I just looked down at her in utter shock. Yes I am famous. But meeting Billie Eilish is something I always wanted to do. And here she is in my dressing room. It's crazy because I remember always banging on about it to my mum about how much I liked her and her music and...Wait a minute. My mum.
"Hold on a minute, did my mum happen to contact you?"
Billie instantly burst out laughing and I just shook my head in disbelief. I've got to love my mum sometimes.
"It was like God had personally sent her to bless my life." Billie let out.
"Oh, bless your life huh?" I smirked at her. "Why's that?"
"I think I'm lowkey about to fan girl." She tried to contain her excitement that was slowly bubbling to the surface.
"And you think I'm not?" I chuckled. "You're THE Billie Eilish."
"And you're HAYES!" She copied my tone.

We both burst out laughing and Billie leaned on me as she chuckled. I instantly felt my exposed skin tingle against her own. Billie tried to push herself back a little bit my grabbed onto my bicep in the process.
"Woah..." she mumbled and proceeded to squeeze my arm. "That's hot."
Her hand traced the tattoos on my left arm which created a weird sensation at the bottom of my stomach, like a fire was starting.
"Do you like them?" I looked down at her.
She nodded her head. "You love your art huh."
"It's beautiful, especially against your skin." She complimented.
"Have you got any?" I asked her, causing her head to whip up.

It was only then when I realised just how close Billie actually was to me, and I had to force myself to take a small step back from her.
"I have one beneath my boob and another one on my wrist." She told me.
"Can I see?" Her eyes widened a little. "Oh no, sorry. I just meant the one on your wrist."
"Oh, sure."

Billie took off her jacket and pulled up her sleeve, revealing a tattoo saying "Patience". I took her wrist and ran my thumb along her tattoo before I looked back at her.
"What does it mean to you?" I questioned curiously.
"Patience is important to me. I have to have patience. Whether it comes to work or my private life, it helps me. Without patience I get hot headed and can't get anything done in the right way, so by looking at this it reminds me to be patient."
I felt a smile form across my cheeks and Billie started to smile also.
"I like it." I looked back down at her wrist. "It has meaning to it."
Billie nodded her head and just as she was about the respond, my dressing room door burst open. Both of my siblings came bursting in, but they all stopped in their tracks once they saw who was in front of me.
"Oh. My. God..." my younger sister let out.
"Guys this is-"
"Billie fucking Eilish." My sister finished off for me.
"Language." Me and my twin brother Lincoln said in unison.
"Sorry." She apologises.
Billie chuckled at the little moment and I let go of her wrist to approach my siblings. I knelt down a little to give my sister Madison a hug. After that I stood up and hugged Lincoln.
"Great show tonight." He acknowledged.
"Thanks bro." I smiled. "I still have all of this energy."
I looked down to speak to Madison but she wasn't there. I suddenly heard that cute laugh that I was starting to become fond of. I turned around and saw Madison and Billie hugging.
"Mads." I scolded.
"No, it's okay." Billie shook her head smiling.

Madison still let go of Billie regardless and took a step back. She turned back to me and then to Lincoln.
"Come on Mads, we need to head back to mum and get ready to go." Lincoln nodded towards the door.
Madison nodded her head and said bye to Billie and I before leaving the room with Lincoln.

"Sorry about her." I immediately apologised. "She is probably your biggest fan, no word of a lie."
Billie chuckled and shook her head. "Don't apologise, I always wished that I had a younger sister. Another girl in the house."
"It's just complete stress trust me." I chuckled, causing Billie to do the same.
"We should probably get going, I know I've just distracted the hell out of you."
"You got that right." I joked.

Billie helped me carry my stuff out of the dressing room and we headed back to where my team and family were. My mum instantly smirked at me and I just shook my head at her jokingly.
"Should we all get going then?" She announced.
Everyone agreed with her and people started to collect their things before heading out.
"Wait, hold on a minute." I paused. "Are we taking Billie to her hotel or something?"
"No silly." My mum shook her head and turned to Billie. "Did you not tell her?"
Billie shook her head and looked up at me.
"She's coming to stay with us while she's here Hayes." My mum grabbed my attention.
"Wait, wait wait...what did you just say?" I stumbled over my words.

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