[How you met🦕]It cast

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-You went to see Calpurnia play in your home town with a friend of yours and The lead singer Finn caught your eye, he caught you staring and smiled which obviously made you blush. After the show ,while heading off to your home someone tapped your shoulder it was Finn he asked you if you would like to go get lunch with him tomorrow before he has to leave for his next tour, you agreed and said your goodbyes , and you just hit it off from there.

-you watch hentai, he watches hentai.its a match made in heaven .

-Your friend (who plays Minecraft) favorite YouTuber/actor Wyatt Oleff posted his "mInEcRaFt SErVeR" on Instagram so your friend wanted to join and invited you. Wyatt thought you were sweet and cool so he asked you for your Instagram.You two felt like you knew each other for years and you both immediately just clicked.

Jack 🐦
-You were at the skatepark with (siblings name/or friend) and whilst watching them skate from the bench you were sitting on , in the distance you could see a short boy with a head full of curls and the most beautiful hazel eyes-but then he screams as he falls of his skateboard,you get up to see what he was screaming at and rush over to him . Little did you know he was screaming at a.. pigeon. You giggle as he looks at you as if you are crazy. you shoo the pigeon away and help him up "hi, I'm y/n" "I-I'm j-jack" he said in embarrassment "I'm assuming your scared of pigeons?" You chuckle " THAT PIGEON WAS LOOKING FOR A FIGHT WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ?!??". You became best friends ever since that day.

-you came across a pub which had people perform doing skits,singing, dancing . Whilst there with a couple of your close friends a cute boy came out from behind the curtains and starting singing (your favorite song.) your friend asks "what are you so focused on?" " I think I just found my soulmate." You meet each other after his performance and he asks if he could take you out for a drink sometime, you reply with "yes, of course it would." -long story short, your inviting me to your wedding-


-You walked into Starbucks , you realize the girl in front of you is having a hard time ordering her drink "excuse me miss could you speak a little bit louder." and then the girl says "OKAY ILL HAVE A CUP OF WATER WITH ICE IN IT" the starbucks worker yells back "WILL THAT BE ALL" "YES" as she walk away with the cup of water in hand she doesnt seem to notice you're in front of her so she accidentally bumps into you "OMG SORRY I DIDNT SEE YOU" she says her face going scarlet red "its fine" you smile at her , you guys talk for what feels like forever , you than exchange numbers and you decide to meetup again here next time.

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