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March 15th - 12:06pm

                                                                                     "You sure they'll even want to meet me?" Virgil asked, shuffling nervously in front of Roman as he pulled on his jacket, slipping his feet into his shoes. "Of course!" Roman reassured, smiling a soft smile, knowing Virgil's anxiety when it came to meeting new people, but since he's told his friends about Virgil, they have both wanted to meet him. One more enthusiastic than the other.

"And I'm not letting you back out!" Roman added, then slowly curled his arms around his short partner's waist, pressing a kiss to his forehead. They were new to this relationship, so kissing was still a timid thing between the two, Virgil telling him he would rather wait before sharing a kiss on the lips, which Roman was completely fine with - he liked Virgil and wanted this to go well.

"Whatever...if something goes wrong I'm blaming you" Virgil mumbled into his chest, hiding his smile Roman's boisterous laughter created.

With that, the two were leaving their house, climbing into Roman's car (as Virgil didn't have one and probably never would, even if he could drive) before setting off towards the destination they decided to meet at. Originally it was a cafe, but one of Roman's friends expressed they would much rather go to the park, it was a nice day and he had been craving using a swing for quite awhile - eventually Roman and their other friend agreed.

Virgil stared out of his window, gazing at the scenery he was still getting used to. It was vastly different from where he used to live - moving from a small town into a giant city didn't sit well with him, even after two years. He was still pretty useless, but Roman helped him out in every way he could, he turned his head to smile at his boyfriend who was dancing as best as he could sitting down, singing along to the radio no matter the song.

They've known each other for a month and Virgil was already infatuated...

"We're here!" Roman spoke up after a few minutes. Virgil quickly snapped out of his hazy daydream, snatching his gaze from Roman to the window, silently telling himself if he started blushing he'd never forgive himself.

"Ready, Querido?" Roman asked, oh the Spanish pet names! Kill Virgil now he was about to melt-

"Yeah, let's go" Virgil agreed, getting out of the car before he could be affected even more. Roman was grinning the entire way down the street to the entrance of the park that thankfully wasn't populated by many people - it was a Wednesday so most were probably at school or work. When he felt Roman's hand slip into his own and squeeze in that reassuring way Virgil dropped his head, hiding his smile but he squeezed Roman's hand back - it was his silent signs of affection (as he was too awkward to do anything more), either way Roman adored it.

They walked through the gate and Roman pointed out the friends they were going to meet. Virgil followed his finger, eyes landing on two men who were sitting at a park table opposite each other, one wearing neat trousers, a dark blue polo and a tie while the other wore blue jeans, a soft pink t-shirt and a cardigan around his shoulders.

"What are-um-pronouns?" Virgil asked Roman quickly, not wanting to mess up their first greeting. Roman grinned, "well, cardigan-boy over there is he/him, but as for tie-boy? No idea! From their outfit I assume he/him? But he's gender fluid so I truly can't tell until I see whichever bracelet he is wearing" Roman explained, "if wearing black, they're non-binary, blue for he/him and purple for she/her" Virgil nodded in understanding, tensing a little when the two finally noticed them, 'cardigan-boy' waving quite wildly while 'tie-boy' placed a hand over his face.

Virgil found their different reactions quite amusing.

"Greetings, you two!" Roman called, parting from Virgil to rush over and drag cardigan-boy into a hug, "Hey, Kiddo!" He grinned, watching as he let go, eyes sparkling as they stared at tie-boy.

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