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"Aw, we're going to have a concert soon." our leader said and we all turned to look at her.


"Yeah. We'll be employed and will be going out of SM's basement." she rolled her eyes and we all giggled. Our fans has been asking SM to let us out from the basement. There are literally no news of us for the past few months after our comeback.

"Does this mean I'll have to leave Kyoong?" I asked, caressing my pet corgi's body.

"Yeah right. No one will look after Kyoong." our maknae spoke. "Kyoong doesn't like our manager's house. She's only comfortable here."

Kyoong looked up to me with a sad eyes as if she understood what we are talking about. I don't want to leave her too. She must not like the idea of leaving her from the memory when she was left in front of our dorm's door.

I am the one who found Kyoong in front of our door, so I decided to take her in. She was inside a basket and has a pink ribbon wrapped around her neck. It was like she was left there as a gift, it was adressed to me but there are no hints of who's the sender. Whoever it is, I wanted to thank him or her.

"Wait, remember Baekhyun sunbaenim?" I looked at the member who spoke and raised my brow at her because I know she's going to tease me knowing I like Baekhyun. "This is not what you think. But he has a pet corgi too, right? He might want to take care of Kyoong while we're overseas."

"Yeah! Great idea!" a member who is sitting beside her agreed and even high-fived each other. They do have a nice idea but it'll just give them more reason to tease me by letting me talk to Baekhyun.

A week before our world tour, our first concert will take place in Korea before going overseas. But still, no one will be with Kyoong so I decided to take him to Baekhyun today. He's getting ready for his solo comeback so I reckon he'll be at the SM building today for its recording.

I carried Kyoong and put her inside my car and turned to take the driver's seat. I made sure I had all the things she needed, she's my baby so I had to do that. Kyoong and I sang along to EXO's songs while I'm driving.

Just in time when I pulled over and grabbed Kyoong from the seat, I spotted Baekhyun coming out of the building. My heart started to race inside. Okay, you need to calm down. I just have to talk to him.

"Baekhyun sunbaenim." I called him out shyly but enough for him to hear. His face got bright when he saw me and started walking towards me.

"I told you to be not so formal. You can call me by my name."

I tried my best not to blush. "I'm sorry."

"So, who do we have here? She looks like Mongryong, my dog." he bended his knees a little to level his face to Kyoong who's in my arms, happily wagging his tail at Baekhyun.

"We'll be going on a tour soon, and we have to leave Kyoong-" I slipped and told him my dog's name. I shut my eyes in embarrassment while slowly tilting my head away so Baekhyun wouldn't see. Kyoong is a name I got from fangirling over Baekhyun for years. He calls himself to Kyoong and I decided to name my pet to that since it sounded cute.

"Kyoong?" Baekhyun smirked at me. That same teasing smirk my members show me when they tease me towards Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry." I bowed shyly and felt my cheeks getting hotter. "But no one will be with Kyoong while we're away could you please look after her?"

"I'm afraid I can't."

I nodded at him and looked down at Kyoong squeaking sadly. I felt a little disappointed but it's fine. Baekhyun might feel awkward calling a dog to something he calls himself.

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