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I hate this waiting, it makes me think of everything I wanted to do differently between us, the beeping is driving me crazy, and all these strangers coming in and out with their pathetic smiles, I just wish someone would be honest with me.

You were always telling me how it was, even if I didn't like it, how about now?

Please say something, you can't give up, I need you, I still haven't learnt how to deal with life alone.

You're my rock, always have been but I didn't like admitting it, now I wish I had told you more often, instead of taking you for granted, I just never thought I would be here like this.

I'm sorry, please, if I promise to tone it down, spend more time with you.
I might act like I can take on the world but at this moment in time, I feel like a little girl stuck in a adults body, who really needs for her mum to wake up and tell her it's all going to be ok.

Please mum I love you.

Beep, beep, beep, b.........

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