A Long Seperation

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hey all,

this is the victim again

Today I wanted to mention what I have been doing so far. I had my final examinations so I had to stay and study for them instead going back to my hometown to spend some time for holiday but I prefered staying. I had more then enough time to study for the finals. I had a feeling of grief inside. I actually did not want the exam week to have an end because I was not ready to leave the town and of course my love. It was the time when I felt the slight pain. We have been seperated for mor than a month since I last seen him. We both knew that we would have a time to meet for the last time, though. Because I had my cap with him. He was keeping it for me and I would receive it soon. 

First he gave a call, it was like: '' hi how are you , whats up ? etc...'' and I added''I was also gonna call you to arrange a meeting. You know I had my cap with you'' he said Oh yea '' I was going to talk about that'' ''I now have your cap and coming toward the hostel you stay'' but unfortunatelly but luckily I was away from the hostel. So I said tomorrow is ok and we both agreed to meet for the next day.

I was impatient for the next day. Finally I was going to be able to see him. I prayed a lot for the day to be one of the good ones. Because for me, the farewelling must be well so that I can be relieved enough to be able to leave him. And luckly, I sat to a bank in the park that we we would meet and started waiting. But it was not so long that he started to appear from ahead. Smiling to see each other :). Luckily it started to rain. :D God must have accepted my wish that there was a rain that would hold him to stay longer :) We talked about each others holiday and experiences. Giggled. It really felt good to see him on fron of me again. I was rather pleased. We kept talking untill the rain stopped. And I invited him to go to the cofee to have two teas. He did not deny my offer. I ordered two teas for us and we started to talk again. His eyes were Shining as if he had been enjoying our conversation. We kept talking more as we were drinking our teas. We had to seperate when we finished our teas. I had a feeling not to try to last talking much so as not to bore him. So I did what I decided. I wished him to have a good summer holiday, happily, with his family. He also wished the same for me. I also did not forget to assure him to call me whenever he feels weak or somthing like that. Even though I don't think he will call me, I wanted to say so as to keep our friendship. He also told me the same.

It was totally an enormous pleasure to see him again after this long. And I was happy that I had a chance to end up in a way that I wanted. We both were seeming happy to see each other. I got my cap back and we farewelled each other. It is not certain when we will see each other, though.

But I know that somewhere inside, he will have a permanent place. I dont think I will forget my first love. 

I will attach here If I have a chance to talk to him again, and continue writing.

here it is time for summer. And we both are happy.

at least friends

at least not broken.

'' you too have a good night my piece of heart <3''

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