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Alexia's POV

It's the first day of senior year. I already know all the teachers due to previous years.

I know everybody and everybody knows me. That's not to sound full of myself but I'm the biggest extrovert in the school. I go to all of the after school programs and chat it up with everybody willing to talk to me. It's really good to be participate.

I've managed to conjure an amazing group of friends over the years that I mainly talk to. I still conversate with everyone in class that I can, and might just cause a ruckus everytime, but I'm making closer bonds, can you get mad at me for that, Mrs. Cummings?

Some of my more introverted friends see my life as their living nightmare but I need my friends. To take away the thoughts of my past nightmare I lived in. I love my friends. I love this school. I love my parents. I love myself. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for them, probably in the skies.

"Miss. Hawks! Are you paying attention?"

Oh Mrs. Cummings, how I love you.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is this not reflection period?"

A few people let out a small laugh at my mediocre joke.

"No, it's time to go around and introduce ourselves. Move the desks into a big circle."

I wonder what the point of doing this even is. We've been with these people for our entire school career. I'm sure that everyone knows the names of everyone in this classroom already.

I glace around at the familiar faces in this area. Hanna, Emily, Jackson, Hayley, Lilly, Rylie, Adam, Adrian - who's that?

I'm always the first to know if there's a new student, this one must've slipped under the radar.

I was examining this girl until her turn came around. She had the prettiest features I've ever seen. Sharp jaw line, high cheek bones, full and defined eyebrows, pouty lips, cute nose, long eyelashes, naturally curly and long brown hair. Her big eyes were the stars of her face, a stunning shade of blue with speckles of gray swimming around. I almost didn't notice that there was a small scratch on her left cheek bone. It didn't take away from her gorgeous features.

I shamelessly stared at this girl. I broke out of my trance once I realized she was staring back at me. My eyes pulled up to her stunning eyes and I saw her throw me a smirk.


"Anne. Anne!"

The girls eyes snapped to Mrs. Cummings.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was distracted by all of the lovely faces in here."

She began to talk, her eyes always gravitated back to me.

"I'm Anne Barry, I'm sure you can tell that I'm new here. I'm a huge extrovert so I'm sure I'll get to talk to all of you soon. One thing that I'm passionate about is singing, so I'll be joining show choir and choir which I'm hoping will be super fun! Even though I'll be talking to all of you I need someone to sit with at lunch if anyone wants to adopt me, --"

"I will."

I didn't mean to cut her off but I really need to get to know her. She's incredibly bubbly and I love that.

"Well alright then, next person can go."

She gave me another award winning smile.

My turn soon came around.

"I'm Alexia Hawks. I'm known to be the biggest extrovert in the school. I love singing and I'll be joining show choir this year again. I'm extremely single so if anyone want to volunteer, I--" I has half joking with the last sentence, I don't actually want to date anyone but my eyes focused on Anne once again.

"I will."

The one and only Anne copied my response with a smirk. She loves her smirks doesn't she?

This caused the entire class to erupt in laughs.

We're both extroverts, we both are doing show choir, heck, even our names start with the same letter. I think I'm going to like this girl.

682 words

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