toshishita boyfriend

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(A/n: here's to my first Iz*one story!!! wooo!!! I just stanned them last week so this is kind of my way of graduating from my wiz*one lurk status hihi)

There was something weird about seeing Yena dressed up as a guy on set, but Yuri didn't really seem to mind.

"Jo Yuri!!!" a certain raspy voice called out to her.

Yul turned around, now facing her slightly older ducky. Ah here it was.

Yuri took a step back, giving her unnie an over exaggerated gasp, "Choi.... Sungmin?"

The Choi's brows furrowed, her usual pout now making itself known, "Agh, nooo!! Anyways, don't I look dashing?" Yena played with her collar and gave Yuri a playful wink.

The younger scoffed, covering her face in feign embarrassment.

"Sorry, but I can't date any boys. Company policy." Yuri started walking away but kept an eye on her target, a small smile slowly appearing on her features.

"aAAh!!! Miss Yuri miss Yuri!!! I just want your number!!" Choi Yena's whines echoed around their set but no one seemed to be bothered by them at this point. (with the exception of an amused Yujin who seemed to want to join their silliness)

Joyul stopped in her tracks, turning to the slightly taller girl dramatically.
"Sorry but I'm already taken."

Yena gasped "by who?! Who is my competition!!" Her voice seemed to grow louder and louder. From the corner of her eye, she could see Yujin's smirk as she bounded over to their little skit with the enozi camera in tow.

" I have to tell you." Yuri's acting skills began to peak. Yena tried to stifle a giggle.

"oh my, national producer-nims y'all voted for an actress." Their Ahn puppy seemed to be recording the entire scene, making comments here and there.

Yena took a moment to recompose herself, and soon settled on a reply. She took a deep breath and replied

"who do i need to challe–"
"I'm dating Choi Yena!"

Yujin's jaw dropped behind the camera, her free hand quickly covering her mouth.

Yena seemed to stop for a moment, hesitating on whether or not she should continue joking around. Yujin seemed to have the exact same thoughts as she was now holding the camera with two hands, ready to 'drop'  the camera at any moment.

Yuri came to her senses, realizing that the two hadn't spoke since. She looked over at the Choi, who seemed to still be processing the situation.

"um.... can one of you idiots say something?" Yuri desperately attempted to break the rare uneasy atmosphere. Yul gazed over at the puppy-like member, she seemed to be grinning as she said something only the camera could have heard.

"Nice one Yenyul!" a faraway Chaeyeon seemed to have noticed their situation.

"Nice one!!!" a seemingly excited sakura followed right after, peeking from the corner of their actual set, Chaeyeong following closely behind.

For some reason, Yuri's cheeks heated up. Yena couldn't have possibly took that seriously, could she? I mean, they were just joking around right?

Now that Yujin and the lurking enozi cam had now disappeared from their sights, Yena walked over to Yuri. The slightly taller girl rubbed the back of her neck as her eyes seemed to be looking everywhere but the hamster-like member.

Yuri's heart began to race. She unintentionally confessed to her (not-so-secret) crush and now she had no idea where this was going.

"Didn't know you were into girls." Yena kicked the ground shyly, seemingly trying her best to regain her playful energy back after the sudden situation. For some reason, the older knew she was joking awhile ago, but something in her had stopped her from pulling her usual stunts.
for some reason, Yena wanted it to be real.

"I'm not into girls." the younger replied, a sudden surge of confidence


"Just Yena."

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