Get used to it (M)

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(warning: Toys (Strap-on), Voyeurism)

wherein Yuri buys her gf a strap and Yena still has to get used to it.

Something about today felt wild to Yena. Maybe it was the fact she woke up to Eunbi falling off her bed? Or maybe because Hyewon had started her day playing a first person shooter game on the tv, blasting the volume.
Whatever it was, the Choi felt anxious about it.

"hey ducky!" a familiar voice called out to her. The door slammed open, now fully waking Yena up. The jumpy member ran over to her, forgetting to close the door in the process.
Everyone in the living room seemed to be yelling at the tv as Hyewonnie was now playing a party game with the other members.

"I'm still your unnie, Jo Yuri" Yena peeked from under her covers.

Though the sight was adorable, Yuri quickly interjected, a tad of annoyance clearly spiking in her voice, "ducky-UNNIE." She seemed to have brought a small black bag, something Yena had quickly started to question as soon as the younger had entered.

The older of the two snorted at the statement but didnt seem to read the younger girl's mood.
She stared at Yuri as she walked over to her bed then snuggled with her. The two laid there in a comfortable silence, sighs coming from the two members as they started to get comfortable.

"do you want to.... try something different?" Joyul seemed to be whispering against her ear, tickling the other slightly, still not fully processing the mood.

"And what would that be?" the duck's raspy reply made the hamster sigh at the girl's obliviousness. As if on cue, Yuri cautiously placed the bag on Yena's stomach. The older was now puzzled, just before she had the time to say anything, Yuri had already stood up and headed for the door.

Just before she closed it, she looked at Yena while biting her lip.

"As soon as you're done changing, join us outside." this time, the girl's sultry tone caught her attention. She looked at the bag, curiousity finally brimming.

'Jo Yuri, what on earth could this be?' Yena furrowed a brow, trying to make out a figure.

"WH-" the startled duck immediately slapped her mouth shut, feeling her face explode into a deep shade of red.

She took the strap-on out of the small bag, wondering how such a big object fit in the relatively small paper bag. Her heart was racing as she pulled it out, the black silicone seemed to be firmly placed on its base. Yena stared at it in disbelief. How was she going to hide THAT? To her, it seemed to be at least 7 inches in size.

With slight hesitation she dropped her shorts and her underwear. She buckled the strap onto her waist, later on cautiously finishing up and adjusting the straps on the sides so that it would hug her thighs. Yena took a deep breath, her breathing slowly becoming erratic.

For some reason, this entire situation just turned her on. Serving her Yuri like an obedient little puppy. She shook her head. Yuri must've been waiting for quite awhile now.

The Choi decided to wear some baggy sweatpants she had not worn since forever. Skipping the underwear, she then looked at herself one last time.

"holy shit, you can still kind of see it" she mumbled, hissing as a barely visible bulge protruded out of her sweats. She could feel her heart ramming against her chest, the beats so powerful that she could feel it in her throat.

"I mean... you can't see it if you're not looking straight at my...dick?" Yena cringed at herself slightly. She had to get used to saying that.

She recomposed herself, adjusting the way she walked as the appendage pushed against the fabric of her black sweats.

Yena opened the door, welcomed with the wild scene of Sakura yelling at Hyewon.

"Are you kidding me?! YOU jumped off the map last second!" the usually calm Japanese member spat.

"sheesh, calm it kkura, we still won. Gg????" Hyekura seemed to be too busy arguing to realize that Yena had left her room.

She discretely walked over to the corner of the couch where Yuri seemed to be watching the two argue. As she bounded over to where the hamster-like member was, she felt the silicone appendage rub against her pants, an odd phantom feeling in her sweats adding to her growing arousal. Almost hurriedly, she jumped on the couch, sitting beside her Yuri.

Before the other girl could even mention her arrival, the younger girl had decided to sit right on her lap.

"w-what do you think you're doing?" Yena hissed, whispering at the younger girl quite loudly.

"You, If you keep quiet." Jo Yuri let a devilish smirk rest on her features as she wet her lips in anticipation. The duck-like member immediately shut up, feeling the girl rub against her bulge.

Yena had nothing to do but watch her girlfriend grind into her, the movements small yet overly stimulating. She noticed how her girl was now fully facing her, without a fear of getting caught whatsoever.

Yuri was definitely grateful for those two oblivious gamers and their unecessarily loud volume, because oh fuck was she starting to feel something in her snap. She propped her right hand over to her unnie's shoulder, supporting herself as she adjusted her position.

"Keep watch, ducky." she whispered into her ear, the animated noises of gunshots in the background finally drowned out as Yena gave her full attention to the girl who was currently grinding against her.
"Make sure no one pays attention to our little game. Wouldn't want it to end quickly, right?"

Without another second to lose, the older of the two snaked her arms onto the younger's waist, her hands rubbing against the other's back to encourage her.

"I could make it end quicker than that, but I think that would be a little louder than you'd like it to be." the confidence of the strapped girl seeemed to turn Yuri on even more as a contented sigh left her lips.

The ever so slight creaks of the sofa seemed to fall on deaf ears, Yuri now resting both her arms on the other girl's elbows as she roughly rubbed against the clothed strap. Yena just enjoyed the view, watching her girlfriend's attempts at hiding her little moans and heavy breaths. The hamster-like member looked so needy and irresistible.

With one last look toward the two conveniently headphoned gamers, she suddenly smirked, an idea popping up in her mind.

"let me help you..."
"wait unnie-" Yuri was suddenly interrupted.
The younger shut her eyes tightly as she felt Yena sucked at her sweet spot right under her pulse point, "ahh.. fuck.... right there, baby."

The girl's raspy moan filled the older member's ears as she licked and gently bit into her pulse point.

Jo Yuri's eyes rolled at the sensation. Her legs gave way, resulting to the younger fully leaning into Yena for support. The older of the two hummed in amusement as Yuri had turned into her little toy.

Yena grabbed the other's thighs, gave it a squeeze, and pushed her down to her lap. The overly sensitive Yuri struggled to keep another loud moan in as she felt the thick appendage through Yena's baggy sweats. Her clit was practically pressing onto it, making her breath hitch in surprise. If she moved just an inch, she would definitely scream; she was already so close after all the needy little grinding she had done.

Yuri forced her eyes open to see her, once so subby unnie, give her a dark sly smirk.

"Wasn't your plan to ride me?"  Yena started as one hand caressed the back of the Yuri's neck, bringing their faces teasingly close.

"You ended up being a moaning mess. My subby baby girl." she continued to whisper, their proximity now becoming way too hard for Yuri to just blank out from. Her heart was going a mile a minute and her panties were damp as all hell. Yena's dominant side was killing her. The older let out a short chuckle as Yena tugged at the bottom of Yul's lip.
Yuri sighed in agreement, the arousal fogging her mind.

"Let's play like this again." the dominant Choi squeezed the girl's thigh one last time, unfurling the subby Yuri's overgrown knot of pleasure. Yuri yelled out curses in pure ecstasy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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