chapter 6: The Plan

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The hours moved long. So long that Dwindle Had felt like the world paused. Everything just seems to sand so still. It was very very boring. The First time she had ever felt anything like it. She could tell Boris was Starting to get on the edge to. Even Henry was stirring to get bored. They had Set in the safe house For about 3 hours now by her counting. Trying to figure out a plan of some sort. She didn't really know what they were going to do now. It all just seems pointless to her now. Legal way to get to the studio. Trying to find secrets that were too buried to be uncovered. A place too dangerous, To be seen again. " Dwindle?" Asked Henry. She had just now realized that she been staring out the pottery for about a good 5 minutes now. Contemplating on everything. " Hm ho... sorry, We were talking about a plan right?" Henry nodded. " Me and Boris Has then thinking for a bit and we both agreed that we should come up with a Resistance against Alice"
The refusal To accept or comply With something. To attempt to prevent something By action or argument.
That was what they were going to do. To take action against Alice angel. " What are we going to do?" Violence wasn't her calling. She had never been one of violence. Attacking or fighting someone made Dwindle Shiver with the thought. Fighting blood fighting more fighting nothing but ending in fighting death and life combining together. Terrified faces reckless eyes. She had heard so much about it. That was the reason why Henry Stein had left the studio. Because he was in the war. He had seen all these things. And Dwindle Could only emagine what it was like. " Are we sure we want to um Are you sure we can't- um..." Henry and Boris stared at her. Henry had a look of, Boris's face Had the emotion of understanding. "I know your scareD I WAs tO buT I didn't GIVe up. And naw I'm here" Dwindle Shivered, It was still quite An Uneasy feeling to listen to Boris Talk inside her head. But still she took these words into consideration. " I will Boris, thank you" She said, She sighed, " So what's the plan?"
Today today today!!! Her mind screamed. Have to go now! don't be late! She ran down the stairs to the 1st floor of the House. There at the front door her mother was Waiting for her. A Brown bag in her hand. Classic mom's. She thought to herself.
" Hey Lauren Sweetie! Good luck at your First day on the job, I packed you lunch just in case you got hungry." Lauren's mom said as she Held out the Brown paper bag. Lauren accepted it while rolling her eyes. " Mom you know they have a cafeteria there" She said. " I know but I just wanted to make sure. You never know that cafeteria could be Empty or full of rotten food" Her mother replied. Lauren simply rolled her eyes again. This was typical for her mom. Ever since she got food poisoning at her old school, Her mother has been more paranoid than ever about letting her eat school lunch or Any lunch from a different place for that matter. " Thanks mom I really appreciate it" Said Lauren as she walked Out the door.
There it was the great Joey drew studios. Lauren was ecstatic. Her 1st time ever as a Voice actress and she was going to voice act for the greatest company Out of all the other cartoon Companys. She pushed open the doors, And immediately bumped into someone. Again it happened, It was like tradition for her. Every time she Entered a new Building, She always bumped into someone. It hepind in elementary, And again in middle school. And then again in college and high school. Why did the tradition have to come to the studio with her? "Are you alright?" The stranger asked. " Yeah I'm fine I'm used to it by now" She said simply. It was now that she was standing up and her shadow was blocking the sunlight that she could see the person she bumped into. He wore a white button-up shirt As well as light blue jeans.His hair was a light Brown color same with his eyes which almost looked Amber. "I'm Henry nice to meet you um..." He paused, Oh right she had introduced herself! " Lauren! my name is Lauren" She replied. " Well it's nice to meet You Lauren" Replied Henry, " "You to um..Henry" He stepped aside to let Lauren in. Then there he was. Joey drew the owner of the company. " Ah miss freespirit!" Said Joey. " Come in we have some business to discuss" Lauren walk Up to Joey's office. It was weird she always thought that offices were supposed to be in the middle of the building. Not the very front! It kind of irritated her. But she didn't care, This was her dream she was finally gonna become a Voice actress! Something she loved to do.
It had been a couple of days now. And Lauren was starting to feel at home at the studio. Every day she came- Worked and enjoyed. She loved every minute of it. Until today. Today Joey had asked her to come into his office. She was terrified. had she done something wrong? Or maybe had they found a nother voice Actor who is better for the role of dwindle? She couldn't Dare to believe the last option. She was a good enough role for dwindle the sweetie. And no one else had volunteered before her. So why Was Joey con her into his office?! " I have something to discuss with you miss free spirit" He said in his 'casual work tone' As everyone was beginning to call it. It was so rare for Joey not to use his 'common work tone'. " I will would that be Mr. Drew?" She asked hoping he wouldn't hear the worry and fear in her voice. " You remember that one part of the contract you signed?" Asked Joey. No she didn't. She just rushed through and signed everything because she was so excited. And haven't even put paid attention to what she was signing off to. " no" She said flatly. Was that too rough? or was a disrespectful? She didn't know. Until the expression on Joey's face changed. It went from a business Face to a...... Crooked smile. That set her on edge. "Good" He said without emotion. Suddenly gas filled the Room. She forgot not to breathe it in. And as she did so she felt dizzy, And light headed as if she was going to fall asleep. And so just that happened.

Who am I?
Hello my fellow ninja!!!!! Surprise surprise! Joeys a crooked evil man!!

Like We didn't expect that!

Kai be quiet! This isn't even your universe!

I know but I wanna put my 2 cents in to it!
Anyways... Expect More hints to dwindles Past life.

Quit spoiling the story you did that last time!!!

Anyways by my fellow ninja!!!!

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