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*Mia's point of view*

Jimin opened the door, making it hit my shoulder. Ignoring it, he stepped out and closed the door with a loud bang, making me jump.

I stood there speechlessly, covered in blood. The cut in my hand began hurting suddenly but I threw myself on the bed which smelt of Jimin. I breathed in his smell, missing him and wanting to cry.

I regretted not telling him about going to the club and playing poker. It was not a big deal, but it was. If I'd told him that, there was a lot more I would have to opened up about and I couldn't afford it. Even though he was an understanding person, I didn't want him to be a part of the mess in my life. But now I had turned him into a mess.

Although it happened because of Yoongi, I couldn't bring myself to hate him. Right now, I only wanted to talk to Hoseok and I had pushed him away too; just because of Jimin.

But I ended up calling Hoseok anyway. It was too late but he picked up instantly.

"Mia? Hello?" He sounded like he'd just woken up. There was a lump in my throat and I couldn't bring myself to speak without crying.

"Mia?" He said again. "Are you okay?" "I..." I swallowed then managed to say, "I'm okay." "Isn't Jimin with you? Why'd you call?" I could sense that he was probably sitting up, concerned. "No, he left." I was laying on the bed with half of my face buried into Jimin's smell. The phone was on speaker. "What? Where'd he go?"

"I don't.. know." I knew Hoseok would be here any minute. "Didn't he come home?" I asked. "No! Where did he go, Mia? Why did you let him leave at this time?" "He wanted to go. His mom called. His dad's sick. He said he'll go there in the morning."

"But why didn't he stay over...?" Hoseok paused and spoke away from the phone. "The hell happened to you, Yoongi? Are you drunk?" He came back to the phone and spoke, "What the fuck is going on! Yoongi is drunk, Jimin's God knows where and you seem to be on the verge of crying. Mia, tell me what happened." "Jim..." To stop myself from crying, I choked and grasped for breath, coughing continuously. "I'm coming over!" Hoseok cut the call.

I closed my eyes and let tears fall on the bed. I had no idea what I'll explain to Hoseok when he reaches here. I'd have to lie to him too.

*Hoseok's point of view*

Yoongi was a drunk mess when he entered the apartment and I knew something was wrong. Mia on the other hand sounded like she was about to burst into tears and as she told me, Jimin left her house and was God knows where.

I grabbed the car keys and pushed through Yoongi as I ran out. I drove as fast as I could, coming to a halt in front of Mia's apartment building. I took the lift to her floor and entered her apartment as she'd left the door unlocked.

I went straight into her bedroom where she lay upside down in her jeans and a pink bra. Her palm was full of blood and I figured that she'd been having a pleasurable time with Jimin. But what went wrong? I rolled her over, revealing her wet face, full of tears.

"Mia? MIA?" I called out, shaking her and bending down to her chest to feel her heart beating. "Wake up, Mia!" After shaking her a few times, she finally opened her eyes. "!" She cupped my cheek in her bloody palm.
"Tell me what happened, Mia. Why did Jimin leave?" I asked curiously. "I told you, his mom called...."

"Bullshit! He could have slept here and left in the morning." I snapped, interrupting her. "Was Yoongi here a while back?""Hmm..." She replied sadly, answering my suspicions. "Oh God! What did he say to Jimin?" "That... I... that he knows me more than Jimin does." I had a sudden urge to punch Yoongi as I heard Mia say that.

Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now