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Y/n pov:

Shit i groaned having the most killer headace.
I try to get up from my acohol enduced sleep when i felt something hold me down.

I looked next to me and saw namjoon his arms around my waist his chest on my back.

What the fuck i whispered.

I wiggled in his grasp trying to get out.

He groaned and opened his eyes.

His face was a little puffy from sleep and his eyes just stared at me.

His face was a little puffy from sleep and his eyes just stared at me

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I felt my face heat up. Can you let me go i studdered out.

I saw his face change in relazation and he quickly let me go and shuffled in a sitting position on my bed.

How do you feel.

Like shit i muttered, did we you know-

His eyes widened no no no we didnt i promise wouldnt take advantage of you not like that.

I lowered my eyes but some but a flash of purple caught my eye's

Without thinking i moved the piece of clothing fown to reveal patches of red and purple bruising all along his neck.

Oh my god i nearly screamed.


I ran to the bathroom ignoring my pounding headache and looked in the mirror to check for any marks on me.

Namjoon i practically yelled.

What the fuck happened i asked grabbing his arm.

Namjoon told me what happend about him picking me up , about me throwing pillows, and him telling me about how he got his marks.

Oh my god i screamed i almost raped you.

No y/n you didnt y/n he chuckled.

No its not how are you so calm about this, i stared rambeling and was on the verge of a panic attack i was cut short when i felt him kiss me.

I stopped talking in pure shock.

Namjoon himself looked shocked by his own actions.

I-ii im sorry y/n i shouldnt hav-v

I kissed him back without hesitation.

He backed me up against a wall i didnt really care injustbwanted the moment to last forever.

One hand rested on my wasist the other cupping my face my own hands gripping his top to pull him closer to me.

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