Named Men

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Pushing the pain of his loss into the same dark hole he hid past sorrows and guilt, Old Bar stood and silently left the gore shrouded alley. Deciding that the sounds of fighting earlier would have warned any of the remaining invaders that Froejen had at least one defender, he threw stealth to the wind and jogged down the middle of the street towards the main gate. His bravado was challenged quickly when an arrow sailed past him, missing by a hand width. The swirling snow parted and Old Bear had just enough time to see that the gates had been opened wide and their iron hinges smashed into uselessness before the snow swirled, and the dancing flakes obscured his vision once more.

A second arrow came out of the twirling blanket of ivory flakes, and it too missed Old Bear by the barest of margins. A blessing of the Norns caused the twisting nether of snow and wind to die away, allowing the hardened warrior to spot the bowman and the two raiders accompanying him. Behind them stood the now wide open gates of Froejen.

The archer pulled another arrow from the quiver belted at his hip, but before he could put it to string one of his companions motioned for him to stop. "You didn't hit him your first two tries, Bellwyn. I don't think your chances are any better now that he can see who's shooting at him."

Opening his mouth in protest, the archer was once more cut short by a motion from his leader. "Go find Aodh and let him know the gates of Froejen have been thrown wide. Danyth and I will handle the graybeard."

Bellwyn nodded towards the speaker then shot the approaching Old Bear a murderous glare. "You should feel privileged, northman! Cedric the Swift, the greatest swordsman of the Green Isles, will send you to your feasting hall in the sky!"

Cedric gave Bellwyn a scathing glance before giving him a swift kick to the backside to send the bowman on his way. Bellwyn stumbled towards the gate, rubbing his sore arse briskly, but with a crooked grin stretching across his face. He quickly disappeared into the darkness leaving behind a trail of cackling laughter.

"Islemen," Old Bear muttered shaking his head in annoyance. He raised Rend and Tear up before him, hands low on their worn hafts to match the reach of the approaching swordsmen.

The two men spread out in an attempt to flank the sole defender of Froejen while the wind picked up once more, howling as if in protest of the intruders presence. It's biting fury clawed at the layers of heavy furs the islemen had to worn to fend off the bitter cold of the north, revealing the to Old Bear the dull glint of chainmail.

The one called Danyth circled to the old warrior's left while the Named Man stalked to the right. He never let them set up their attack. With a deep throated cry, Old Bear bull rushed Cedric the Swift, who lived up to his name by deftly snapping his shield before him to shrug off the charging man's attack. Emerald eyes glittered dangerously over the ironbound rim and the corner of Cedric's mouth curled into a knowing smile as he prepared his counter, but the charge had been a feint to force the Named Man into a defensive position so Old Bear could deliver his true assault. Before he had taken more than a handful of steps, the crafty northman spun on the balls of his feet with his weapons flying out wide like deadly arms on a spinning top.

An ear rending screech ripped through the air as the arcing edge of Rend caught the descending flat of Danyth's blade. The swordsman had thought to catch Old Bear by surprise with a devastating overhead chop at Thorbon's vulnerable back, but veteran warrior had expected such a move and prepared a counterattack. As Rend continued its sweeping path propelled onward by Old Bear's corded muscles, it drove Danyth's sword harmlessly away and left the isleman horribly off balanced and exposed. The trailing flight of Tear creased the young fighter's throat, leaving him with a crimson grin. Danyth's eyes opened wide in shock then blinked twice before freezing in surprise as he slumped forward onto the frozen ground.

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