Penelope's Background

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Free...that is all Penelope Williams ever wanted to be. Free to grow up and be whoever she wanted to be, free to succeed by her own merits, free to dream, and free to choose who she loves. Unfortunately, that is not in the cards for Penelope. For Penelope is a female werewolf.

A life of a female werewolf is not an easy one. Werewolf society follows a patriarchal system and the females must obey or else... Females are groomed practically from birth to obey the men in their life's rules and one day submit to their male mate. 

Some Rules for Females in Werewolf Society include:

1. Females must obey males at all times unless what they say is against the law or will bring bodily harm.

2. Females can only leave their houses with a chaperone. Only exceptions are going to school, to get medical treatment, or having a note from their male head of household giving permission to be by themselves.

3. When the female meets her mate, he will get full rights to her. If the male and female are from different packs, the female will relinquish ties to her pack and join her mates pack. The male mate will get to control and handle all matters concerning his mate.

4. Females must stay pure for their mates. There are extremely harsh consequences, if the she-wolf disobeys. Usually the male werewolf that had sex with the she-wolf will be killed by her mate. The male werewolf would punish his mate how he saw fit. The only rule to that is, he must not kill his mate and give her proper medical treatment after the punishment.

Fortunately, it is up to the pack alpha on rather the pack follows these rules. Unfortunately, Penelope was born in a pack that follows these rules diligently. Even worse for Penelope is that she is the daughter of the Alpha and Luna of the Blood Pack. Alpha Charles and Luna Audrey were the picture perfect example of an abusive Alpha and a submissive Luna. Due to watching her parent's interactions Penelope grew up a strong, independent, stubborn, feminist, she-wolf.

Her father groomed her (or more like beat her) into following his rules and being a supposedly prefect submissive female. Yet, Penelope was slowly biding her time until she turned eighteen. For she had a plan to get out from underneath her father's thumb, that did not include leaving his control for her mates control. 

One day while hiding from her father's wrath when she was sixteen years old, she ran into the deep forest, until reaching the boundaries of the pack lines, she came across a rotted cottage. Being extremely curious led Penelope to opening up the door. Inside she found a witch's workshop. The old witch was named Beatrice and she was banished from her coven for falling in love with a werewolf, only for after her banishment her love abandoned her for his mate. Consequently, Beatrice hates the concepts for mates so was more than happy to help Penelope with her dilemma. 

Beatrice had a spell in one of her old magic books that would be able to hide a mates smell on the mate that the spell was cast on. Unfortunately, there were two catches. The first catch was the spell can only be cast on someone of age. The second catch was the spell will be broken if the mates touch on bare skin.

After almost two years of waiting, the night of her eighteen birthday, she ran into the forest and went to the cottage for the spell to be cast. Once the spell was cast, Penelope ran away to live her life the way she wanted to.

Life on the run was not easy for a newly eighteen year old she-wolf, especially since she had to live in human territories or else she would be found and brought back to her pack kicking and screaming. Furthermore, living among humans was no easy task when her pack was one of the backwards one from the old ages. Penelope before leaving home never seen technology before.

Penelope was dirt poor, confused, naive in the world she was in, but she was not hopeless. She was strong and filled with determination to succeed and make sure that every sacrifice she made to get here was worth it. Fortunately, for her, there were some nice humans out there.

One day, a few months into her journey, Penelope walked into Patrica's Diner, wet, cold and alone. Penelope was trying to take a moment, relieve from the heavy rainfall in the doorway, but an employee at the diner quickly had her sit down and she would bring her a cup of hot chocolate.

Patricia the owner who was an old woman, brought Penelope hot chocolate and asked her for her story. After considering, Penelope told her about how she is running from an abusive family and a life she did not want to have. From that moment on Patricia adopted Penelope as her granddaughter and Patricia offered Penelope a place to stay at her place and employment at the diner and would not take no for an answer.

After a year of acclimating to the human world with the help of Patricia and her new friends, Penelope was ready to start her success story. As a result of hard work and dedication, Penelope was accepted into the elite and selective University of Pennsylvania business school. Following four long years of college classes, Penelope was able to get her degree in business administration and marketing. While in college, Penelope worked a large amount of internships at prestigious companies so when she graduated she had an impressive resume. 

For the two years following her college graduation, Penelope worked for one of the Fortune 500 companies that was near the diner. However, one day Penelope received a call from a friend who was a coworker who transferred to Thomas International. Her friend told her that Thomas International was looking for a new business director and she was the only person she could think of who would be a good fit, so she submitted her name for an interview. Penelope decided that one interview couldn't hurt, and what if she gets a new job? Maybe she can finally settle down somewhere.

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