:;;: 13

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❝ jaem, i need to stop that marriage my mom
set me up with. ❞

❝ i know, but how? ❞

❝ act like you❜re my boyfriend, that will fool her. ❞

❝ hㅡhyuck, are you sure? ❞

❝ you don❜t want to help me? it❜s finㅡ ❞

fine. ❞

oopㅡ i might be updating this late this week and the continuous weeks because of sChOoLqkhdosjwidnsskwhdhn sEnD HeLpㅡ

uwu ilyasm, uwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw especially EgguTaru_Tue

ㅡhyuck ,,  [✔]Where stories live. Discover now