Part 14

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(Y/n) pov

Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.


I hummed as I turn my head towards the direction of the voice. Turns out, Fresh also have PE.

"(Y/n)! Come sit with us!" Fresh invited me. 

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure. I don't know anyone else here than you and the others." I said.

"Follow me then!" Fresh said excitedly and led me to the rest of his group.

We passed by a few benches occupied by other students before seeing Alphys and Papyrus talking to each other.

"Guys! I've found (Y/n)! Turns out she too has PE!" Fresh shouted to them.

"That's g-great Fresh!" Alphys exclaimed nervously. 

"Come on (Y/n)!" Papyrus said as he pat the empty seat in between himself and Alphys.

I walked toward then and sat down while Fresh sat next to Alphys. We all chatted until the teacher barged into the sports hall.

"A̸l̶r̶i̷g̴h̴t̷,̷ ̵l̴i̸s̸t̸e̶n̷ ̴u̸p̷!̷ ̴T̷h̵e̴r̶e̴'̷s̴ ̶a̴ ̵n̵e̶w̴ ̴s̸t̵u̶d̷e̶n̸t̵ ̷h̷e̵r̵e̵ ̸t̸o̷d̷a̶y̴.̴ ̷C̴o̴m̵e̷ ̸o̶u̷t̷ ̴a̵n̷d̸ ̴i̴n̸t̷r̴o̶d̷u̴c̸e̵ ̴y̶o̸u̷r̵s̴e̵l̵f̴!̷" He shouted in a glitchy voice.

I sighed, standing up once more. I walked to the front of the class, where the glitchy teacher stood.

"My name is (Y/n). Although I'm new here, don't think you can use me as an advantage. You won't like what will happen next." I introduce myself once more.

I hate it when I have to introduce myself over and over again.

"O̶k̶ ̵t̷h̷e̷n̴ ̵(̶Y̶/̷n̵)̵.̴ ̶M̷y̶ ̵n̶a̷m̵e̵ ̴i̸s̸ ̴E̸r̶r̷o̴r̷.̵ ̵C̵a̶l̴l̵ ̷m̵e̶ ̶c̵o̴a̶c̸h̵ ̴o̴r̴ ̸c̵o̴a̷c̶h̴ ̸E̸r̴r̶o̸r̶.̸ ̶E̶v̷e̵n̵ ̶t̴h̶o̶u̴g̸h̶ ̶y̷o̷u̷r̶ ̴n̴e̶w̷ ̷h̴e̴r̶e̵,̷ ̴I̵ ̶w̴o̴n̸'̴t̷ ̶g̶o̴ ̶e̸a̸s̴y̵ ̷o̸n̶ ̷y̴o̴u̵.̷" Coach Error said.

"I don't do easy. I do hardcore." I said being sassy.

He nodded his skull and grinned.

"Not bad, kid. Not bad." (I gave up on the glitching) Coach Error said.

I bowed to him in a playful manner.

"Why thank you Coach Error."

When I was walking back to my seat, I swear that I saw a tinge of yellow on Coach Error's face.

What's up with skeletons blushing today? If they find me pretty now, good luck when they see the real thing.

Coach Error pov

Once my eye prinpricks landed on her, I couldn't take them off. Oh my AU's... She is so pretty.

Wait! Stop! You only have eye prinpricks for Ink! What am I doing?

After introducing herself, it was my turn to introduce. I pretended to be fierce, hopping that she won't be afraid of me like most students.

Thankfully, she wasn't scared.

A different princess (naj sans x Princess reader), (Adopted By araxi_seraphyy)Where stories live. Discover now