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"Got a vodka, mate?" A husky voice asked from beside Zayn. Niall froze. He knew that voice.

"Yeah. Is just straight alright? If not, you gotta head down the bar and ask Sandy," Niall tried his best to not sound like his sixteen year old self. Now is not the time!

"Just straight is fine. Cheers, mate!" Liam spoke once again. Niall was careful to keep his head down as he poured Liam a shot. He slid it around the counter before turning and walking down the bar to Josh.

"Did you know Liam was coming today?" He growled in Josh's ear. The boy paled before turning to Niall.

"Hey, Niall!" Josh whimpered quietly. "How's your night going?"

"Tell me again. Did you or did you not know that Liam would be here tonight?"

"I didn't!" Josh yelled. His voice was barely loud enough to be heard over the chatter that was quickly filling the pub. "Sandy knew! He told me before I opened the door! I had no clue! And I thought you wanted to be reintroduced to your past anyway!"

Niall grinded his teeth. "That's not exactly it. I would like it, yes. Everyone except Liam."

"And why not Liam?" Josh suddenly looked interested, glancing toward his section of the bar to see if everyone was satisfied.

"Liam was the one to decide he didn't want to talk to me. I wanted to keep talking to Liam. He was the one to stop talking to me." Niall could feel the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He blinked them back quickly.

"Oh, Niall..." Josh looked slightly disturbed. "I'll speak with Liam tonight. Now go serve a bit. I'll cover your place."


The rest of Niall's night was filled with thick accents and his eyes not moving from the floor. His shift was finished quicker than it seemed, though. "H-Hi, Niall!" Sandy greeted nervously as Niall confronted him as the pub was closing for the night. "Did you need something?"

"Yes, I did need something. Why didn't you tell me Liam would be here tonight?" Niall growled in that same menacing tone.

"I really didn't find it necessary information. I just thought that it would be nice to see your past again, wouldn't it?" Josh sat down at the bar in front of them and began to explain what Niall had told him earlier that evening.

"That is why I didn't want to see Liam." Niall glared between the two of them.

"We had no idea, Niall," Sandy tried his best ot explain. "Liam never spoke of why the two of you ended. He just always spoke so highly of you. Josh and I wondered what went wrong."

"Lots of things went wrong. There was the fact that I know Liam was keeping secrets from me, even if he thought I didn't. I told him absolutely everything; It's a bit difficult when you suspect your partner hasn't been doing the same."

"You weren't together but for what, a month? How did you know so much?" Sandy asked in an accusing voice.

"I paid attention. It was a long month. I was awkward and lonely; it isn't that hard to pay attention to your surroundings. I've tried so hard to push that part of me away," Niall grumbled. "Now, if you two are quite done, I'll be leaving. See you asses tomorrow night."

Niall grabbed his bag and stalked towards the door, leaving two stunned boys behind him.


"Did you see that bar boy we had tonight?" Zayn slurred a bit as he threw himself down on Liam's couch. "He looked a bit familiar."

"Who the hell did he look like?" Liam grumbled from the kitchen. He was working on grilled cheese sandwiches for Zayn and him. "I don't think he looked familiar."

"He looked like that lilac dude, whatever the hell his name was." Zayn ended the conversation there, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and flicking it on and off.

Lilac dude? "Wait," Liam sputtered. "Niall? That was Niall?"

"Was that the lilac dude's name? It's been too long, Liam. I don't know. Maybe it was the hair? He wouldn't show his face anyway." Zayn continued flicking his lighter. Liam returned from the kitchen with his grilled cheeses.

"His hair was blonde, Zayn. Niall's was lilac. Plus, there's no way that could have been Niall. Niall is in Ireland." Liam sat on the couch carefully, trying not to drop his sandwiches.

"Or he was the last time you talked to him. That was what, three years ago?" Zayn laughed. "He could be back in London for all you know. Why don't you text him or something?"

"I doubt he wants to talk to me anyway," Liam said with a mouthful of sandwich. "I sort of ended things on a bad note."

"I know exactly what you did, Liam," Zayn gave his friend a look. "It was very mean. You stopped talking to the poor boy all together. He kept messaging you for a solid month! And you still can't even give me a solid reason as to why you did it."

"I-I," Liam stuttered.

"Exactly," Zayn smirked. "I think you need to find out about Niall. Get with it boy! You liked him so much, what happened?"

Liam glanced down at his wrist, glaring at his little "N" tattoo that laid between his thumb and fore finger. "Nothing happened."

"Then why haven't you been talking to the boy these past years!" Zayn demanded. "You could have a beautiful relationship, but instead you've been getting more tattoos and barely making it by. Niall made you a better person, Liam. You need to do something."

"I think it's a bit too late," Liam said quietly. "I blew my chance three years ago. Niall's probably got another boyfriend somewhere. He's probably still in Ireland, anyway. Better far away from me."

"That boy was extremely fond of you. I doubt he wouldn't come back. Get your shit together, Liam. Get your boy back!"


zayn is such a motivator in all of my books sigh

dna is such a good song

i think i'll incorperate the title in later

i am tired

and i still have to write more today, yay!


ily <3333


1050 words


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