New School

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Jimin sighed in despair as he walked up to the front gate of his new school. The yard was bustling with a crap load of students, Jimin sighed again at the thought of so many people around him. He was about to run when a message pinged through on his phone, stopping his retreat.

'If you skip, I'll beat the ever living shit out of your dumbass kid.'

'Damn.' Jimin thought and sighed in defeat.

In a depressed haze, Jimin slouched his way into the school with his face set up like a thunder storm, greatly contrasting his mint green hoodie and white jeans. He sluggishly dragged himself to the office and got his schedule then walked out. Looking at his schedule with absolutely no interest in it.

"Of course Math is first right? Cause life just likes to release heavy loads of shit on my day all of the time." He grumbled while looking for the correct room. Finally finding the room, Jimin knocked and walked in and without saying anything, took a seat at the back of the class on the side with the door.

"And you are...?" The teacher at the front asked.

"Dying." Jimin grunted irritably.

"Your name young man." The teacher sternly demanded.

"Jimin, Park Jimin." Jimin sighed defeatedly.

"New student, cool, welcome to hell. I'll assign Min Yoongi to be in charge of showing you around and getting you up to speed in any common classes you have. Yoongi darling, raise your hand please." The teacher informed Jimin.

Jimin perked up, kind of interested in who his guide would be. A pale pink sweater covered hand shyly went up in the sky and Jimin knew he'd instantly love this guy. The kid, Yoongi, turned around and shyly smiled at Jimin, making him coo and brightly smile at him.

"Aye sweater buddies!" Jimin cheerily shouted to the other, completely beaming, which startled the poor boy before his surprise blossomed into a beautiful gummy smile.

With such a smile, Jimin was floored, he swore he needed to protect this kid no matter what, he's too precious and Jimin would like to keep it that way.

"Okay class, we're doing some Trigonometry questions today-" the teacher started and Jimin's smile immediately faltered and fell. He hated triangles, absolutely despised them. A hugely exaggerated sigh left Jimin's lips as he foresaw his doom.

>♤♤♤♤After Class♤♤♤♤<

As soon as the bell rang Jimin who was at the very back of the class walked, almost ran to the door and would've made it before everyone else too if it wasn't for the soft tug on his shirt tail that pulled him back a bit. He looked behind him and saw Yoongi shyly smiling up at him, so Jimin had to softly smile back. Jimin intertwined fingers with Yoongi and told him to lead the way as he is the captain. Yoongi asked for his schedule and it turns out they have the exact same schedule, so they were definitely gonna be stuck to the hip now.

At lunch, Yoongi was walking him to the cafeteria and talking excitedly about where he got his favourite sweaters from and made plans with Jimin to go out on Saturday to do some sweater hunting, cause yes, they made that a thing. It was all flowery and a fluffy atmosphere until Yoongi mistakenly bumped into someone and almost fell down but didn't because Jimin caught him.

"Watch it slut." The person rudely grunted. Jimin hated that word.

"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Him?" Jimin grunted out, fists bawling up, feeling heat rushing to his head painting his face a flary red.

"Slut. Don't you know what that means? It means he takes cock from everyone he can, even girls." The guy smugly said with a smirk.

In a flash, Jimin was up in the guy's personal space and grabbing the collar of his pristine white shirt, crumpling it up and creating wrinkles. Jimin was livid, breathing heavy, face and ears a dangerous red, a warning sign, but his eyes showed nothing but calm and his voice was steady as he spoke.

"Listen to me you fuck shit. You only say that cause your sorry ass is needy and no one wants to help you with that because of your one millimeter dick. From today on, if you fucking talk to him, no if you breathe in his general direction. I will break your hand and shove it far up your fucking ass. So far up you'd straighten out and learn to be a better fucking human being. I'll slowly pull out your fucking eyeballs you stupid headass." Jimin growled while moving his hands to grip the male's shoulders. After he finished his warning, he gripped the male's shoulders tightly and brought his knee up to hit him in the crotch.

"You'll regret this!" The male shouted as someone screamed Hoseok, referring to the now in pain male. Jimin turned around and saw an entire crowd gaping at him.

"What? Ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch before?" Jimin snapped at the crowd before swinging his hips and walking over to Yoongi, intertwining their fingers and walking off.

>♤♤♤♤Gym Class♤♤♤♤<

"I'm not participating in this, it's stupid." Jimin huffed defiantly as Yoongi tried to reason with him but failed miserably.

"Oh come on, I'll buy you a hoodie when we go out? And a donut?" Yoongi bribed using the things he has established that Jimin loved and all it took was that before the pink haired teen was in his gym clothes in a flash, hair pulled back by a bando, exposing his forehead and eyes twinkling in delight.

"Okay class, 2 laps and then dodge ball." The coach lazily said.

So Jimin ran with Yoongi at a steady pace (my pace) and stretched before getting into teams, Jimin making sure that Yoongi was on his team. When the game started, Jimin quickly realized that everyone aimed for him and Yoongi. Aiming at Jimin was hilarious in itself because Jimin knew their puny skills of throwing wouldn't even graze the hair on his right eyebrow, furthermore his head. The real problem was them siding at Yoongi, cause from the short period of time Jimin knew the male, he realized that he couldn't stay upright even when standing doing nothing, and that was a feat of itself.

So of course he had to protect his hyung, he would block each pass made after Yoongi and hurl it back with more speed than necessary, always hitting the person square in the who machine and making them fall to the ground and curl up in utter pain, whether it was a boy or girl didn't matter the slightest bit. People started to get wary of the pair as Yoongi started to serve as a second pair of eyes for Jimin and watched his back, their on field presence was way to strong and scary, to the point that all of the attackers straight up avoided them completely. When it came down to the duo and the other team, all of the opposing remaining team members hit themselves with the ball and walked away. This action made the duo laugh as they went to get their water and bags as it was the end of school.

They exited the school and began walking and for plot convenience, they happened to be new neighbours. Jimin said bye to Yoongi and walked inside his house. Almost immediately, he flopped onto the bed with a huff and drifted off to sleep, completely tired from being around so many people in a day.

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