Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

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We do not own any of the characters mentioned in this chapter, they all belong to Rainbow Rowell.


Kit: I absolutely loved Fangirl. I seriously finished in a little over 3 hours of straight reading. My favorite character was Wren, because it felt like she truly embodied the young adult stereotype. My least favorite character was Nick, hands down. He manipulated and used Cath. That is just not okay.

Bell: I really enjoyed Fangirl, it was nice to see fandoms and being a fangirl portrayed in this book. i really liked Levi, he was a sweet and very caring guy amd just an overall softie which is definitely my favotive male archetype. he was so protective over cath and it was adsolutly adorable. on the other hand, i adsolutly despised nick. he was a manipulative jerk who used cath as a step ladder to reach his goals which is NOT okay. and then on top of that, he had the audacity to act like he had done nothing wrong! like, what the heck! AND after all that time of him hanging out with cath he NEVER not ONCE bothered to walk her home, or take any mesures to ensure she got home safely. people like him really upset me and i feel like there are way to many hims, and not enough Levi's in the world. Levi restored my faith in the male species and Nick stomped my faith into the dirt.

Kit: I actually thought that Levi was a little too perfect. Too unrealistic. He really needs another flaw, tbh. Nick portrayed a more realistic take on the male point of view, even if that meant he sucked as a person. 

 Bell: Not to offend anyone, but in my experience with guys, guys suck. So seeing a character like Levi made me happy. 

Well we'll see you next time peeps! 

// love - kit //

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