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Skip to school😩
I walked into class thinking about Zion. All weekend I couldn't get him out my head. He was texting me but I avoided him why I did that? I don't know. Now he's gonna think I'm mad at him but I'm not. I just think I'm in love with him. Wait did I just say that? Damn I am in love with my best friend. I was snapped out my thoughts when I saw Zion walk in the room I looked away and texted Des.

Ashley🤩🖤: so i think I like Zion and I have been avoiding him all weekend. And now he's sitting next me and I don't know what to say. Help me!!
Des🤩💜: aw I cant just talk to him Ash you never know if he likes you too.
Ashely🤩🖤: alright see you at lunch.
Des🤩💜: alright, love you.
Ashely🤩🖤: love you too.

As I was about to put my phone away it was snatched from my hand I looked up and saw Zion smiling. Agh his smile😩 I love his smile so much.

Me: um what was that for?
Zion: you can have it back when you tell me why you were avoiding me all weekend.
Me: I can't.
Zion: why not?
Me: because z.
Zion: well I guess you ain't getting your phone then.
Me: z please.
Zion: nope.
He said as he put it in his hoodie pocket. Class was almost over and I really wanted my phone back but I would have to tell him why I was avoiding him so I left him alone til lunch.

Skip to lunch🥪
I got my lunch and sat between Zion and Des. I was hoping he wouldn't say anything he didn't he just put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it he knew what he was doing when he did i bit my lip. He leaned and whispered in my ear.
Zion: you want phone right?
I nodded my head.
Zion: what's wrong babygirl cat got your tongue?
He said as he squeezed my thigh tighter. Oh man what is this kid doing to me? I put my hand on his hand and smiled.
Me: can I have my phone back?
Zion: are you gonna tell me why you were avoiding me?
Me: after school your house.
Zion: okay see after school my locker.
Me: okay.

After School😒
Des: are you really gonna tell him that you like him?
Me: yes the boy has my phone all day and I mean why not.
Des: okay good luck and call me if anything.
Me: I will.
Des: alright bye love you.
Me: bye love you too.

I walked to Zions locker waiting for him to put his books in his locker. When he was done he turned around and smiled at me and I followed him to his car. The whole ride to his house was quite besides the music. We got to his house and went to his room. I sat down on his bed and he sat next to me and asked me
Zion: are you hungry?
Me: yeah.
Zion: pizza?
Zion: alright.

He walks out the room to order pizza. He comes back in and turns on fortnite. I watch him and saw that my phone was in his desk next to his. I wait til his in the game and grab my phone but he stops me.

Zion: So you think you are slick?
Me: no i was just gonna..
Zion: what ash?
Me: sit on your lap remember like we did before you and..

I stopped to think about what I was gonna say and thought about him being with Marie. She left for a week to go se her family in New York. She never told Zion when she was coming back. I stood there and then walked to the bathroom. I stood there looking at myself for a while until I heard a knock at the door.

Zion: hey what's wrong ash?
Me: Nothing can you just go?
Zion: no and I know you are lying what were you about to say earlier?
I took a deep breath and opened the door I started crying he quickly pulled me in a hug and rubbed my back.
Zion: hey,hey it's okay tell what's wrong.
Me: promise you won't be mad?
Zion: promise.
Me: I like you Zion. And I have for the longest time now and I was scared to tell you because of Marie and I know you love her. I'm sorry.
Zion: there's nothing to be sorry about you did nothing wrong mamas. And I like you too but I also had to think about Marie and the truth is lately I haven't been feeling the same why I do about her when we first started dating.

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. We looked into each other's eyes and he leaned in and so did I. And then our lips connected and I smiled in the kiss he slipped his tongue in my mouth. We kissed until the doorbell rang. We pulled away from each other and smiled.
Zion: I will be back.

I walked back to his room and texted Des.

Ashely🤩🖤: Des so me and Z just kissed and he told me that he likes me too.
Des🤩💜: REALLY!?
Ashely🤩🖤: yes!

The whole he was down stairs I was hopping that Marie doesn't find out and are we gonna stay friends. Then I heard I voice say.......

my best friend! ~zion Where stories live. Discover now