Chapter 1

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"Welcome to HW NEWS, I'm James Call bringing you the exclusive on our world today. On our morning news, there was another attack on the royal guards by none other then our rebel criminals who calls themselves The Clarity's. As you see by the clip shown behind me Jane Black, a marked was being escorted to the palace handcuffed for using her ability's in public. Not a few seconds later as you can see by the black figures, the clarity's ambushed them. We do apologize for the black screen, security cameras were destroyed before any further evidence was collected. We do know that Jane Black is no where to be seen and three guards are hospitalized and one dead, unfortunately. Now I tell you people of Sitara when will we be safe? How are we suppose to keep our children safe if all marks are walking around free. Let's change the law from abilities shown forbidden to all marks forbidden. Call now and tell us what you think. In other news, taxes are increasing..." James gets cut off by a black screen. I look at my right to see my Uncle Henry throwing the remote to the nearest couch. "Why do you watch him he hates all marks, he shouldn't even be on the news he's bias". "
"I just don't understand how he thinks we are "walking freely" doesn't he see how badly we are being treated. Or how we walk around with the fear of being caught and killed or worst forced to join the kings army".
"What have I told you about saying 'we' just because no one is around doesn't mean you're a mark. You can sympathize all you want but keep it to yourself. The more ignorant you act the safer you are, remember that".
"Yes Uncle".
We both walk out the door saying our goodbyes and heading opposite directions to our jobs. I look around me at the world I live in how out of place I feel. A group of women my age laughing flirtatiously to the men across the street, trying to get their attention. Children running, laughing with each other while their mothers are watching with a smile on there faces. How nice it would be to be normal and with not a care in the world. Not even seconds later I felt like a stormy cloud fell upon us, the same women stop trying to get the men's attentions and walked further from me, gossiping and pointing. Mothers raced to their kids shielding them with their bodies staring with so much fear in their eyes. I stop and look behind me I see a man and a woman running to the nearest store others trying to move to the other side of the street then out comes one blond hair girl a marked. I recognize her, we used to be in a class together in med school her name is Alexis Woodstock. Everyone loved her, she was the most popular girl in school until one day, one small mistake ruined it all. She exposed her 'fire mark' to her life time best friend Kathy Russ who didn't think twice to tell everyone she knew. Next thing she knows she was the towns freak. After a week of torture and abuse from her formal friends she dropped out. Which was common to do when it came to those marked. One thing about our town is that there's no secret that's why its so hard to live a normal life, if you're a marked everyone will soon find out and when they do they will do whatever it takes to ruin your life. All because of the fear of those different.
I look back at Alexis who has her head held high looking straight ahead trying to avoid looking at the disgust and fear from the peoples faces. Dead silence disguised our streets until a flying apple hits Alexis in the back of her head. "Why are you here no one likes you. You should just kill yourself!" Says none other than her formal best friend Kathy Russ. She stops and looks at the group of girls until her eyes stopped dead into Kathy's eyes, I saw the anger and regret in her eyes but also there was a glimpse of sadness. Thats when everyone joins expressing their hatred with words. When they see no effect on her they start grabbing anything they can and charging after her. "Acting ignorant keeps you safe" I repeat my uncles words over and over while a mob of people are chasing after her.
I will not just stand here! I quickly turn left through houses praying this will be a shortcut to catch up with her. No plan ever came to mind when I see her do a sharp turn, but before anyone can see I grab her and do the one thing I know, breath. Before she can say anything the mob runs right passed us. When I knew we were safe I let her and myself go.
"Little miss perfect Rose Jackson, a marked who would've guessed". Oh shucks not good.
"So what, is your power invisibility or something"? Or something.
"I'm sorry I got to go". Really Rose that's the best you can do. Before she can say anything I run away, then not even a block away I realize she knows my secret! I stop and turn back around. Coming face to face with her I try begging but nothing is coming out except "I umm...please...umm"
"Don't worry, I learned my lesson the first time. I won't tell anyone". She promised.
I never had friends because uncle would always tell me not to trust anyone but when she said that i knew i could trust her. Knowing words aren't working for me today I gave her a genuine smile and ran to work.

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