Chapter 8

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Rose don't you dare look up! As my mind scream but my heart won, looking at those green eyes made me feel like i was living my whole life in a dessert and now i've had a sip of cold water for the first time ever. With Madam talking to the king there words were ignored by him opening his mouth.

"hi" a bit taken back by surprised with a hint of what i can assume to be happiness, that was it that one word and tears started to well up. I immediately looked down no chance of them seeing me weak i force myself to swallow the lump stuck in my throat and would not let one tear fall for this lying prince. "Arthur i was just informing Miss Jackson about my project with Asher here" i could feel him stand up straighter, regaining his blank look.

"He's a bit smaller than i anticipated for my subject but he will have to do. Miss Jackson i can see the worry of a mother on your face, i am willing to make you and Asher more comfortable, now people don't call me a generous king for nothing. Madam Valaria just told me you choose to be a nurse we have a position open its not like the other nurses its the nurse of the royal guards. You and Asher will be together all the ti.."

"Yes i will do it" "no" i quickly turned to the prince who had just objected.

"That position is very dangerous we always fill it with a male doctor." with a stern look by the king the prince did not back down. I could feel the heat they radiated off each other communicated angrily without words.

"Well why don't we let Miss Jackson decide if she.."

"I'll do it, whatever it takes to be with Asher" I interrupted again waiting so badly to get out of here. But not before giving a deadly stare at the prince witch he replied with an eye roll and his arms crosses, angry filled his face. i smile finding amusing it bothered him so much.

" Miss Jackson hopefully you have some basic education with nursing"

"i do, i was top of my class" i made sure i didn't mention that i dropped out to help my aunt on her store.

"Well than its settled, my son will personally give you a tour of the training grounds today and everything you need to know and tomorrow will be both of your first day" the king announced so proud of himself.

About to object not wanted to spend any more time with that jerk, but wanted to get out of the kings presence as fast as i can overruled, i curtsy and left following the prince. We silently walked well more like speed walked, grateful i didn't have to talk to him and appreciated how fast he was going predicted the tour was going to be finished quickly so i don't have to ever see him again.

"You made a huge mistake, you know why that position is open its because people know how likely they can die, the stories are real." The more he talked the faster he walked, i was struggling to carry asher and keep up with him.


"Theres marks there, there learning how to use there abilities theres a lot of accidents that occur, plus you'll be between the fire. Helping both the marks and us, by the way who hate each other. Marks see a norm and they can control themselves they can hurt you Rose" maybe it was the way my name rolled off his tongue or the physically drain i was, or even how all the shouting he was doing was making Ashers heart beat faster but i stopped walking. Trying to catch my breath, than i looked at Asher, i rubbed his back kissing his cheek with that he hugged me tighter. I looked up at Asher when i could see no more anger in his eyes and just some sort of sadness he met my eyes and once again fixed his face.

"I honestly don't care what you think, or how dangerous it can be i'm not scared. I'm doing this for him he needs me and i'm not abandoning him just because your delusional father wants to use him as a machine, and you can be angry all you want but can you stop yelling your scaring him" without a response i kept walking no idea where too, but too prideful to let him lead. My face still holding confidence but my whole body shook. I just insulted the his father the king, demanded him to shut up and all while yelling at the prince the next king of Saberia, i'm so dead. " look at you having a tongue all of a sudden" he ran to my side a smirk, that made my knees weak.

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