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(Dereks POV)

It's been a month since Stiles disappeared. No one knew where he was but no one was really looking either, well except for me. I was broken, it hurt like hell not having Stiles here, no having my mate by my side. I never told anyone Stiles was my mate but I knew ever since the day I saw him in the woods with his so-called 'best friend'! What a best friend he is now! I have been trying to find Stiles ever since the day he left but I couldn't catch his sent it stopped right at the border of Beacon Hills.

The pack doesn't know I've been looking for him. I still don't understand why they kicked him out of the pack. I absolutely hate that Scott is the alpha now, so I had no choice in the matter. But I still feel like I could've done something, I should've done something, anything. Maybe just maybe he would still be here and I wouldn't feel like a walking zombie! I never stopped searching, and I never lost hope. But soon one month turned into two then three and soon enough it was almost a year and I was slowly losing hope, I was constantly hitting dead ends on my search! I was sulking in my bed wondering if I would never see my mate again. I would never smell his beautiful scent of cinnamon and pine wood. It might not sound good but trust me it was the best thing I have ever smelt!

I was broken out of my thoughts from Isaac bursting through my door in a panicked frenzy.


"What?" I was still half asleep and not really paying attention to Isaac when he started rambling. I didn't really care but what caught my attention was when I heard him say 'vampire'

(Stiles POV)

It's been a year since I left Beacon Hills and honestly my life is great. Well except for the burning hole in my heart that is slowly but surely getting much, much bigger! I've been trying my best to forget about him, to just move on and be happy. I have a new group of friends, their all vampires as well. They know I'm one too... but the only thing they don't know is that I'm a Mikaelson. They all have this very strong hate towards my family and I 100% get that! They also don't know about my pack back in Beacon Hills either. It's been tough being in Mystic Falls but I'm pushing through it.

That is until one day I was sitting in the Salvatore boarding house with two of my new friends, Bonnie, and Caroline, when Stefan, Damon, and Elena came running through the door at vampire speed.

"We have to leave!" They all said in unison which in turn was kind of creepy.

"Why?" I looked between Bonnie and Caroline, confused then looked at the other three waiting for a response. They all exchanged glances then looked at us.

"Kol is back"

"Mikaelson?" Caroline stood up and as did Bonnie. I just sat there in shock, how is he alive?

They started to explain how he was heading to another town and we needed to stop him. But my heart stopped when Stefan said that the town he was in was none other than Beacon Hills.

And next thing I knew we were all in a car on our way out of Mystic Falls. Why we didn't just run there? I don't know.

After a good 5 hour drive we finally passed the 'Welcome To Beacon Hills' sign. I could feel my heart racing. And the others must of heard it cause when we stopped at a hotel Caroline turned around and asked

"Are you okay Stiles?"

"Yeah I'm fine! Just nervous that's all." I gave her a reassuring smile and walked up to the front desk of the lobby.

We checked into our room and put our bags down we all decided we would go for an inspection around town to see if we could smell Kol and find where he is. Me, Caroline, Stefan, Damon, Elena, and Tyler went on foot and Matt, Bonnie, and Jeremy took my Jeep. I only trusted Matt with it because I felt closer to him. He is in the same spot I was in, the human of the group (even though I technically wasn't human). We all split up and I was wondering around the woods when I ended up standing on the side of a VERY familiar house. That's when I heard his voice, the voice I had missed so much for the past year...

"What are you doing here? And what do you want?"

I slowly walked closer to the edge to see the whole pack with a few new members standing in a group with Scott in the front holding everyone back and none other then my little brother Kol in front of them all. I could feel the anger boil up inside of me. I could barely control it. I ran up to him at a speed that was not humanly possible and was now pinning him up against a tree with my hand around his neck.

"Genim! It's so great to see you!" Kol says trying to squirm out of my grip but I tightened it at the name. No one has called me that in a very long time. I was about to just dig my fingers into his chest right then and there and pull his heart out but then I heard a voice. His voice.


It was so soft and I could practically feel the worry, excitement, sadness, and a hint of anger in it. I turned my head to look at him. I definitely shouldn't have done that cuz as I was looking at my ex-pack my hand loosened and Kol took that as an opportunity. He soon had me pinned against the ground with his hand on top of my chest ready to dig his nails through my flesh. But I could hear the faint noise of my baby's tires screech through the dirt. And the sound of people running up to were I was laying on the ground Kol still on top of me. I heard a car door slam shut and Matt screamed my name. He tried running to me but Damon was now holding him back. I looked around at all my friends who were looking at me worriedly, then I looked over at my ex-pack and saw that Derek, MY Derek was quietly crying. He was trying to get past Scott but the alpha wouldn't budge. I suddenly felt fingers placed upon my chest, not puncturing the skin yet but they were still pressed against my upper torso.

I looked down at his hand then back at his face. I smiled

"You wouldn't." I rested my head back down knowing he wouldn't hurt me. Boy was I wrong!

"Oh but I would big brother." He slowly inserted his hand into my chest and I could feel his hand wrap around my artery. It was painful and I shot my head back restraining myself from screaming. Then I heard people yelling my name.

"Move any closer and I'll rip his heart out!"

Kol was now looking around at everyone and I could see Matt on his knees sobbing out of the corner of my eyes.

"Hold up! Big Brother!"

I ignored Damon's statement and just looked back at Kol.

"Come one Kol. You wouldn't do this. I'm your brother! Your blood! You couldn't hurt me."

A tear slipped out of my eye and down the side of my face landing on the dirt underneath us.


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