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As my fingers hit the keys of the piano, I slowly let myself into the lullaby. Feeling as each note creates a divide in the silence of the room, the events of the last hour slowly dispersing from my mind.

Oh... How I wish it could be so easy.

To forget. To know that what everyone had warned me about became my sad and cruel reality. I had fallen into the rabbit too deep to get out of it unscathed. I could already feel the bruises that I was going to receive in the next couple of hours by father.

I could have stayed with Mom and lived a happy normal life. Go to college and become a doctor like I always wanted. I had great friends back home and a human family that loved and cherished me. Aunt Macy always took care of me when Mom worked late nights as a nurse and would take me to ice cream.

I felt my eyes sting as unshed tears pooled, threatening to fall.

At least I was used to this horrid treatment. Nothing new to fear. The unbearable emotional pain shifted to a dull ache back of my mind when I chose to acknowledge it. 

I heard the front door banged shut and my fate is sealed. The peaceful energy that flowed around the house escaped as anger filled the space. 

Looking up from the keys, I met my father's ruthless amber eyes, the ones everyone inherited except me.

And I smiled. You don't give the devil the satisfaction to see your fear.

By Force of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now