Monday 17th June

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Wow would you look at that I actually missed a day! I did tell you I would.

My parents are back now and my neighbour was kind enough to let me and my grandad have a ride in the helicopter as well, to be honest the ride never gets old.

I checked the lists today and I'm on Bus B with guess who?
R. I have another friend who I'm going to refer to as H, she's friends with R but she still likes me as a friend and tells me often what R and her mum are saying about me, she said to me today "I'm sitting with R, you can join us if you want"

Bitch how about.... no? It's bad enough us all going together but sitting next to each other? I'll pass 😊

Yesterday I missed writing because S decided to go in the pool at 9.30pm and I had to get him in and out and I cooked dinner before it and I didn't sit down till like 11pm and as soon as I did I literally passed out and fell asleep.

Tomorrow I have a history test and I'm doing it all off the top of my head, because honestly? I never get time to revise or I just can't be asked because I'm too tired like, you get home from school, look on show my homework and you have revision, I'll pass merci.

Me SA MD and FO had a massive photo shoot on the Astro today and there's actually some sick photos not because my camera quality is 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

I need to stop obsessing over a camera at 11pm, there's something wrong with me I swear

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