Character decriptions

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Tupac Shakur- 24, Rapper, Rich, Talented, American dream, handsome, gangsta, gets in trouble a lot, African American, Has trouble showing his love, hasn't had a real girlfriend.

Veronica Lovely 2nd - 21, A young writer (Music), talented, lives with her abusive father, optimistic, quiet, plus size (24), stays out of trouble, mixed, Pays the bills by working 2 jobs.

Malcom lovely- 44 Veronica's father, abusive, achoholic,. Doesn't work, started drinking when veronica's mom (veronica the 1st) left him for the better. African- American

La'niyah monae- 22 Tupac's best friend, African American, likes tupac. does everything he tells her.

Malia day- 22 veronica's best friend since kindergarten helps her come out of her shell. African American.

Jayceon Terrell taylor- 23, young to the rap game and still in college, African American, smart optimistic, has a crush on veronica.

veronica lovely 1st- 37, still tries to talk to roni (veronica 2nd) but to no avale, veronicas mom that left her. The white version of veronica, exactly the way veronica is outspoken. Ran away from responsibility at age 18 had veronica with a 23 year old when she was 16.

Maya shout- 23 a girl that tupac constantly messes with, in love with tupac, but only seen as a hoe

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