The Truth Revealed

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Hey guys! Idol Here! I just managed to finish this chapter! I know its a bit shorter than the previous one, but a lot of stuff happens in here. It's jam-packed! I really hope you enjoy!

Please leave comments (constructive criticism please, not anything discouraging), add to your reading list, and enjoy!

- Idol


Yuya looked at Yuto in surprise. Yuto was not expecting that. He was expecting somewhat of a different response, such as a squeak or a stutter.

Well, Yuya was one of the best actors in the school, so Yuto really should have seen that coming. "Yeah, Warrior. He saved me yesterday at the park."

"Huh," Yuya focused on the ground, trying not to trip on his crutches. "Never heard of him. You sure you're not hallucinating?"

"Yuya," Yuto sighed. "I still have a scar." Yuto lifted his sleeve slightly to reveal a gash in his shoulder that was still slightly oozing blood.

"Woah!" Yuya's eyes widened. "You sure you don't want to go to the nurse?"

"I'm fine," Yuto waved it off. "You should be the careful one."

"Hah," Yuya laughed. "Easy for you to say. Try going to the store only to be pushed into the cereal aisle by 5 people straight!"

Yuto looked at Yuya incredulously. "That actually happened to you?"

"3 days ago," Yuya stated it as if it was no big deal. "Happens all the time."

"Yuya, why don't you tell someone?" Yuto pleaded as they reached their class. Yuto followed Yuya to his desk and put Yuya's books down. Luckily he was athletic, or he didn't think he would be able to carry all the textbooks they needed.

"Yuto, there's no need. Stop being such a mom," Yuya joked as they took their seats.

Yuto would have argued but the professor was starting the lesson. He obediently opened his textbook to the designated page and started reading the lesson.

Yuto was doing his homework while walking in the park. Luckily no incidents had happened at school today. He was expecting Sawatari to give chase to Yuya for getting him detention (the hypocrite...) but to Yuto's surprise, he was absent. It gave Yuya a nice day for a change, which warmed Yuto's heart, but he couldn't be sure about what was going on at home.

Surely Yuzu was pestering Yuya to tell someone about the bullying. Yuya hadn't even told his adopted father about it and Syuzo was always willing to help. He always had good intentions so Yuto couldn't imagine what made Yuya NOT tell Syuzo.

Yuto was pondering the problem when he smelled a very familiar scent in the air. That was strange. It smelled of blood and...something else. But he had smelled it recently. Yuto walked on, trying to place the scent.

The scent was almost gone when Yuto realized with a shock what it was. It was the shampoo that Yuya used every day to make his hair smell and look better! Yuya made it himself, so that means that something must have happened to him.

Yuto ran back to the park, searching for Yuya. The scent of blood also must mean that something bad happened to Yuya. He heard some sounds of a scuffle coming from the greenery next to the path, so he ran into the clearing.

He expected to find Yuya hurt and bleeding or something. He did not expect Yuya to be surrounded by monsters.

Yuya had a huge gash on his cheek. He was looking around at the 8 monsters circling him apprehensively. He was on the ground, his crutches 6 feet away.

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