Dom- cheater

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Dom's pov

I knew it was wrong what I was doing with this random girl I met at a club when I knew that y/n was at David's house with the rest of the squad and I knew she wouldn't be back for another hour

I slowly slipped the girls underwear off and reached my hand slowly against her clit when the door busted open revealing y/n standing there with her heels in her left hand and a red cup in the other

She looked at me like I had just killed her mother

"Y/n" I whispered

"No dom fuck you, you said you loved me"she screamed at me while throwing whatever was in the cup at me causing it to spill all over me and the girl

The girl screamed and ran out the door forgetting her underwear which were on the ground beside me

"Y/n I'm sorry baby please it was a mistake" I said to her already feeling the tears well up inside of me

"No dom ive already given you at least a hundred last chances" she said walking over to the closet and grabbing a red suitcase and started to throw a if her clothes into it without even looking at me

"Baby please I can't live without you please don't leave me" I begged her trying to grab her hand but she yanked it away

Y/n's pov

He tried to grab my hand but I yanked it away as scoffed at him

After I was down packing I dragged my suitcase down the hall and saw David, Heath, Zane, toddy, corrina in the living room looking at me

"Are you okay" corrina asked me

"I'm fine just fine" I said back

I was just about to walk out of the door when a hand landed on my shoulder

"Y/n please don't leave" he said

"No dom I'm so fucking done with your bullshit I'm fed up" I yelled in his face

"Ya know what your a bitch you were just a good fuck and that's all you'll ever be" he yelled in my face

I balled up my fist and punched him right in the face so hard to fell back and landed in David's arms

The tears were falling everywhere as I walked out of the apartment and never went back

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