need to get this shit off

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So.... Where to begin...

This will be semi long so skip this if you feel like it.  It'll be sad, depressing, and talk of suicide sooo Yea..

I have this thing called trust issues. I have always had them ever since I was 5. Now something happened that I won't state but it ruined my relationship with males older than me.. 

I literally can't even hold a conversation with my step dad.  Now my step dad and I have never had a good relationship but I put up with it. I have never met my biological father but I could give 2 shits less.

My trust issues make me question any friendship I have. I could know somebody super well and still have issues with " do they like me?" or if they talk behind my back or anything! Now I only have about 3 friends I'm extremely close with that I abosultley trust but I still double guess it. It's this tiny voice in the back of my head telling me all this shit and I hate it soo much!

Moving on...

So I have thought about cutting myself and have come extremely close to doing it to but one thing always stops me.  And that is all the people I will disappoint if I die. Now I'm not saying I'm not loved, I am. My mom loves me and cares about me and she is the reason I haven't done anything. I would hate to disappoint her...  If you get what I mean...  I just have this jolly good friend named depression and he just loves to make an appeance..

Now I will be there for any friend of mine if they need to talk and I know I have 1 or 2 friends that would listen to me but I won't open up to them...  Sure they say I can but can I really? How do I know the aren't fucking judging me and getting all the gossip to spread...

Now I have 4 different types of anxieties
- Painc disorder
- General anxiety
- ocd
-Social anxiety disorder

And they are all extremely bad..  I hate presenting, I hate talking to new people,  I hate finding new friends. If someone wants to be my friend,  they have to approach me. I won't approach them..  I know some of you get that..

Now this chapter isn't for pity,  it isn't to get people to care about me.  I just needed to get this shit off my chest..

Thanks if you made it this far and sorry if it's confusing..

I'm just not ok...  But I'll get better...

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