Ethan Ivory

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"What was his name?" Clint asked me. I looked over. He meant the man I had asked to hurt me because of what I had done. 

"Ethan Ivory." He nodded. 

"I'll make sure he never hurts you again." 


Clint couldn't keep his promise. Ethan took the others. And I had no idea where they could be. 

I searched the Hydra building Ethan had told me to meet him in. I asked Jarvis for any signs of life. At first, he couldn't seem to find any, but then he found him. I hacked into the door and it swung open. Ethan sat on a leather chair, an evil smile on his face. 

"Take off your suit. So, it's fair." Jarvis scanned for weapons, but found none. I reluctantly let my suit sink back into my skin. It was nano-tech. Ethan smiled. 

"That's what I want. I want a suit in exchange for the other Avengers. Though, I don't really see how you're one of them. You kill innocent people, right? You should be punished." I felt my hands ball into fists at my sides. 

"Where are they?" I growled. He laughed. 

"I'm not gonna tell you. And if you kill me, they die. Jarvis will only be able to find their dead bodies. So, I suggest you make me a suit. And before you start, perhaps I should teach you another lesson." I stepped back on instinct, causing him to smile and take a step forward. "You used to beg for this. What happened? Don't you want it anymore?" I took another step back as he took one forward. 

"No," I said. "It's wrong." His smile only widened as he closed the distance between us. He pushed me against the wall, face inches from mine. He moved forward to kiss me and I kicked him in the shin. He cried out in pain, loosening his grip enough for me to move, so I was in the doorway. He glared at me and I simply smiled. 

"What? Thought I couldn't fight? I feel sorry for you. Nick Fury taught me how to fight. I might be a little rusty, but I think I can still punch you." He got into a fighting stance and I copied, ready for the fight. 

He threw the first punch, which I easily dodged, moving back through the doorway. We continued to fight until I got him to the floor, kicking him in the head. Not enough to give him a concussion, but enough that he was almost unconscious. Almost. I crouched down next to him. 

"Where. Are. They?" His eyes flickered to the roof. I handcuffed his hand to the railing of the stairs and then ran up to the roof. At first, I thought it might've been a trap, so I peered around the edge before letting out a breath of relief. They were there. But injured. 

Clint's POV

When I opened my eyes, I saw Tony sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed. He was playing with a rubber band, staring at the wall. 

"You okay?" I asked, causing him to look over. "With Ethan?" I pushed myself up, wincing slightly as I did. He sighed. 

"Yeah. I'm okay." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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