Love, Passion. Second Chance? Surprise!

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Once upon a time there lived a girl, sorry, I mean a boy (for I used to tell a story about women). Well, his name...... (seriously, could I mention the name of his?) All right then, let's just call him Zwatch, because he really liked collecting watches. Zwatch is a boss in one company, actually in one well-known watch company in New York. Well, I'm just kidding. Actually, he is a boss in one of imitation branded-watch in Jakarta. He is just married, in his dreams and in his dreams he got three beautiful wives with no kid. He liked dreaming, so that was why he made Elle, Bonia, Casio, Alexander Christie, etc., he wanted to be looked as if he is a boss of watches all over the world. In fact, Zwatch is still single, without wife even wives or girlfriend. He runs his company by himself and God, actually. I want you to know, Zwatch had nine or ten ex-girlfriends, but only three of them were closer, physically, to him and the rest of them were closer only in his mind. Let me introduce those three girls, A,B, and C. I think it would be easier if I call their name by the alphabets, but it's okay I will give them names. Agnes, Belle and Calista. The first girl Zwatch met was Agnes.

"Excuse me, you dropped your keys", said Agnes. "Oh yes, thanks so much", Zwatch said.

They were continuing talking in an elevator in one of famous apartment in Jakarta. It was 2 a.m. And Zwatch was high. He suddenly kissed Agnes in a moment .This is not a bullshit, he kissed her and she just enjoyed it. Agnes just fell in love, oh wait, she didn't fell in love, she just liked the key of his car. He definitely thought that he was a rich person bringing a New Marcedez E-Class. From that time Agnes and Zwatch got a relationship. Zwatch actually grew up in isolated area, he started his business in town and then he didn't even have a pleasant home. For the first time he could afford money to buy home, apartment, after his imitation branded-watch business grew faster. He joined the Wall Street English Course so he could speak English fluently. I think it's not necessary because he didn't sell his products overseas. And next, he himself hadn't had any girlfriend since the old Zwatch was very poor. Zwatch had a little, maybe a huge, passion in having sex with a metropolitan girl. That was why he welcomed Agnes. He had a mind, in a deeply mind, not to have a serious relationship with girls because once they got pregnant, Zwacth would be in a prisoner in a prison till the end of the world.

"Oh babe, pick me up in 30 minutes do not forget okay, just pick me up in front of the Mall not in front of the apartment", Agnes said through phone to Zwatch. "Yes darling, but I will be a little bit late because of the hell of traffic jam though", Zwatch replied. "NO!! I CAN'T WAIT YOU LIKE A STRAY AND POOR DOG IN FRONT OF THE MALL OKAY AND PLEASE BE ON TIME! AND," Agnes said, she hadn't finished her speech and Zwatch cut her off, "You are not a boss of me okay, and stop yelling at me. I am not even deaf". He turned the call off. He was late, extremely late. He reached Agnes after 2 hours and 30 minutes 15 second. Agnes got a super mad and she couldn't stop yelling all the time on the way home.

"It will be finished!", Zwatch said. "What? What are you gonna do?" Agnes replied. "I'm going to get school, having my bachelor degree in Singapore, and our relationship will be finished as soon as possible", Zwatch added. "Oh my dear Lord?", said Agnes, "What the fuck are you talking? I mean, you can be free to have school but there will be no break to us. I still love you, darling. Now, you can just bring me to Singapore and you go to school and I live just like normal day. Simple". "Nope. I'm not dealing with you. I can't go through this relationship any longer. Bye" Zwatch whispered to her. Zwatch got out of the car, he pleased Agnes to get out of the car and made farewell.

That was not even touching my heart because both of them, Zwatch and Agnes didn't love each other, they just explode their own passion. Money and sex. Zwach and Agnes' love story didn't impressed me, though. I thought, maybe Zwatch would have another good love story. Correct, he was collecting a bunch of stories. Before we jump to Zwatch's next girlfriend, had you noticed that Zwatch was going to school? I mean, was he sure about that? Or did he just make an excuse to break up with Agnes or something? Yes, it's actually a big question for all of Zwacth's fans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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