The Children Who Lived (Edited 9/22/17)

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It was late night at Godric's Hollow. The street crowded with children laughing in excitement, dragging their siblings and parents in different directions. Many were walking up and down the street with enough goodies in their bags to satisfy their sugary needs for a while. Halloween celebrations were filling the streets with their music and cheer.

Over in the Potter residence however, the modest, but no doubt charming house's only sign of joy came from the gleeful giggling of the three young Potter children, whom sat together in the center of the family room floor in front a roaring warm fireplace, watching their father blow puffs of colorful smoke from the end of his wand, creating wonderful images of four smokey boys flying around on brooms, only to morph into four creatures running around the children's heads: A werewolf, a dog, a stag, and a rat. The children laughed joyously, clapping and even trying to catch the wisps of smoke as it passed them by.

The young father, James Potter, gave a full bellied laugh as he watched his young children enjoy themselves with his creations. His young wife and mother to his children, Lily Potter, stood by the doorway, watching her family with a fond look of love in her eyes, her smile widening as her eyes met with her beloved husband.

"James." She called softly from the doorway, still holding the smile on her lips. Lily motioned her head towards the stairway, while lightly taping her wrist as if it were a wristwatch. A muggle contraption that James only recently became acquainted with during his birthday, after receiving said contraption as a gift from his muggleborn wife.

James briefly looked at the time and nodded at his wife, his smile still present as he turned to his three young children with a look of excitement.

"Alright my little champs! It's bedtime and you know what that means." He exclaimed in a comical way that encouraged an excited squeal from his twin eldest daughters, and a shout of joyful laughter from his youngest and only son Harry.

"STORY TIME!" The 3 year old twins Eliza and Noah screamed as they stood and raced to their mothers legs. Each twin hugging a leg as their eyes looked up to their mother's with bright emerald green eyes filled with joy.

Young Harry, not being one to be left behind, also stood on shaky legs and trotted over to his mother in his toddler fashion, squealing "STWY TAM".

James laughed as he stood and joined his wife in the doorway, throwing his wand on the couch as he went, before wrapping his arms around his wife from behind and kissed her cheek.

"Looks like I'm going to have my hands full tonight." Lily joked as she returned the kiss on the cheek and bent down to pick up her eager son, who previously was bouncing on shaky legs before her.

James laughed. He knew how much his wife adored story time with her children. She was always excited to spend the time filling her children with wonder and happiness before they went to bed. On most nights she'd even encourage the girls to try to read their favorite parts of a story.

"You'll be okay, I doubt it would be much more trouble than it usually is with this bunch." James joked back, shaking his wild dark brown hair. Hair that was soon grabbed by young Harry, who then laughed at his father's pained expression.

"Ah the struggles of raising Potter children."Lily giggled as she pulled Harry's small hands from his father's hair.

The twins joined in their mother's giggles as they saw their father's exasperated expression. James mocked his daughters in response.

"Alright girls, why don't you run on up and get ready for story time? I'll meet you in a moment." Lily smiled as the girls nodded excitedly and hugged their father before racing up the stairs to their shared bedroom.

James lightly kissed Harry's forehead before sharing a quick but pleasant kiss with his wife.

"You go ahead and get the kids to bed with their stories. I'll clean up here a bit before meeting you upstairs."

James sent her off with a smile and an 'I love you.' To which she responded with 'I love you too." and another peck to the lips before finally, slowly heading up the stairs of their home.

However, before Lily had the chance to make it half way up the stairs, their front door blew open and in it's place stood a hooded figure James and Lily knew to well.

James quickly stood protectively in front of the stairwell his wife and child stood on, shouting over his shoulder for his wife as he moved to try to grab his wand.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off ------"

A green flash filled the room and Lily ran holding Harry to her chest as she ran to her children's room.

Quickly she placed Harry inbetween his older sisters as they stared confused and worried after their mother. Lily locked the door and started stacking things against the door. Her wand was in the other room.

Lily turned to her precious babies and with a kiss to each forehead, she whispered to them lovingly and hurriedly.

"Girls please promise me. P-Promise me you will alway protect not only each other but your baby brother. Please promise me this." Lily begged, taking each girls right hand and kissing their palms.

The girls both frightened and confused scooted closer to each other and in turn closer to Harry as they protectively held on to him.

"Promise Mummy." They chorused together.

Lily gave them a shaky smile as they heard a cackle of high-pitched laughter at the door.

"Remember, that I love you three with all my heart and so did your father." Lily sobbed before turning to the door as a hooded man pushed the door open with a flick of his wand, throwing all the blockade to the side of the room.

"Not the kids, not the kids, please not them!"

"Stand aside you silly girl ... stand aside now." the hooded man hissed at her threateningly.

Lily was desperate for her children."Not them, please no, take me, kill me instead ----- "

"Not my kids! Please ... have mercy ... have mercy... " Lily screamed before another green flash filled the room, a cackle of laughter following afterward.

"Mummy!" the girls screamed, tightening their arms around Harry protectively not yet understanding why their mother had fallen.

The hooded figure came closer, taking in the sight of the three Potters that remained. With a sick smile, he pointed his wand at the innocent children.

Just as the killing curse left his lips with a sneer, the twins both lifted their right hands palms up protecting their eyes as a flash of green came down on them. A pain so hot it burned through their palms and Harry's forehead broke out. The last thing the trio heard before the darkness filled their vision was a shout of unbearable pain from the hooded figure as the house blew up in a bright light of green.

The Potters (Harry Potter fan-fiction)(Edit: Complete make over)Where stories live. Discover now