I'm back

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Lucy's P.O.V

It's been a whole year since I got my powers. I have mastered them. Today is the day I prove it.

"Fight me " My master Jeremy taunted. We are in the middle of a meadow with a barrier abound us. Jeremy is testing me on how I master my powers. If he finds them acceptable I can leave and get my revenge.

Jeremy and I walk in a circle staring each other down. I make the first move.

"Darkened shadow strike!" I yelled blasting a dark shadow towards him. He crossed his arms to try and block it but was sent sliding a few feet back. Damn! He's still standing!

I then decide to attack by running and kicking him in the stomach. But he grabbed my foot before it hit him. He then took my foot and flung me to the other side of the barrier. Hitting the barrier was painful. I try to get up but before I did he hit me with a blast of his magic.

"Dooms day blackness blast" he yelled.

It hit me full on. But I still got up after about 10 seconds. Then I hit him with another attack. But this one was stronger.

"Darkened shadow blades!" I yelled.

This time he didn't have time to block and he was only a few feet away so the impact of the blast sent him flying into the other side of the barrier. Then I ran over and attacked him with my signature move.

"LUCY KICK!" I said kicking him. I have improved this move by adding darkness into my right foot. He then stood up after 6 seconds.

I know he was going easy on me so I decide to crank it up a notch. I was about to strike with my second most powerful hit when he lifted his hand signaling me to stop.

"I think your ready" he said walking quickly over to me." I don't want you waisting your power on a unless fight."

"So can I go back to Magnolia?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes" he said with a smile

"YEAH!" I yelled elated.

"So go now and get revenge on the people who hurt you. But remember the plan" he reminded me.

"I will Jeremy" I said nealing to my master. Then I stood up and ran out of the meadow and through a path that led to the local train station.

"Fairy tail here I come." I said grinning.

Natsu's P.O.V

"What did you say to me, ice stripper!" I yelled to Gray knowing it would get him in a fighting mood.

"I called you a moron, you got a problem with that pinkie?!" He yelled back.

"Yeah I got a problem with it pervert!" I yelled back. Then we started to fight.

"Oh great there at it again" Lisanna said sighing.

Tables and chairs were flying everywhere. We fought for a few minutes then Gray punched me in the face causing me to fall to the floor. As I quickly got up, the keys I found in that abandoned apartment fell out of my pocket. I hurried to pick them up knowing that they were important to the blonde haired girl. I didnt know for sure if they were hers but i could tell. I found out that these were celestial keys. There are 4 silver keys and 10 gold keys in this collection. This wizard is probably one of the strongest celestial wizards there are, considering the amount if gold keys. I've kept these keys with me no matter what. They were important.

"What are those?" Gray asked looking at the keys as I put them back in my pocket.

"Nothing ice ptincess" I taunting him knowing he would forget about the keys.

"That's it!!!" He yelled tackling me. And the fight continued.

~5 hours later~

I decide to go home after fighting Gray for hours. I smile know I won the fight.

Gray' P.O.V

I'm happy. I totally won that fight against Natsu.

Natsu's P.O.V

I got home and walked straight to my board of important missions. I go straight up to the picture of the blonde girl, Happy, and I. I pull up a chair and sit in frount of the drawing. Everyday I sit in front of the painting and stare at it trying to remember her. I haven't remembered.

Eventually after a while I fell asleep in the chair I was sitting in.

Lucy's P.O.V

I am on a train heading to Magnolia. I sit looking out the window of the train.

I do this a lot when I'm thinking about something important.

What will fairy tail be like when I come back? Did they miss me? The probably forgot about me... I mean it has been a year. Even if they did forget about me that would give me another reason to get revenge on fairy tail.

I decide to go over my plan one more time.

-I'm going to go buy a black cloak (even though I look different I still look a lot like my old self)

-I'm going to be calling myself Yuri.

-I will defeat everyone in the guild

-I will leave.

-I will come back a few days later and tell them who I really am.

-I will KILL them.

I smile evilly at the thought. All of them. Dead. Gone. Forever.

My plan will be perfect.

Natsu's P.O.V

I go to the guild the next day and see a person in a cloak standing in front of the guild. I can tell it is a girl. She has some silver-ish hair sticking out of the front of her hood. She smells like strawberries and vanilla mixed with something else. Something dark.

And I don't know why ...

But when I saw her...

All I want to do...

Is cry...


Okay guys so that was the latest chapter. What do you guys think? I love your opinions.

An announcement:


I would like to know if you guys want me to continue this story further. I'm only going in to write a few more chapter but I could make a book 2. I'm probably gonna make one but not if you guys don't wanna read it... so please write a comment or message me if you want me to continue...

Well that's all for now. Have an awesome day!



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