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  "What do you think?" Emma asked Gold.

They were standing at the window in Granny's Diner, looking out at the couple as they strode arm in arm down the street towards them. Regina's face was aglow, as much from her own budding happiness as from the frost of the morning. She was dressed in form-fitting black and stepped out with poise in the chill winter air. At her side, Caerys laughed at something she'd said, flinging her head back and setting her starlight hair to dancing. Although it was still strange to see the Red Queen in normal clothing, she cut a fine figure in a long red coat buttoned over pale grey slacks.

  "What do I think about Regina dating the person who tried to kill her?" Gold mused as he watched them. "I don't think she'd settle for anything less. They make a handsome couple."

Henry knelt up on the bench beside them, seeing for himself.

  "She looks so happy," he smiled. He flopped back in his seat the right way around, satisfied, and Emma smiled down at him and ruffled his hair.

  "What do you think about it, kid?" she asked him. She turned her gaze back outside.

  "I think it's awesome!" Henry exclaimed with a grin. He leaned back to look over his shoulder again. "Mom's happy, and Caerys is cool - even if she is a bit scary..."

  "Well," Mary-Margaret cut in, grimacing, "I, for one, don't think she should be dating that woman." She ran a hand through her short dark hair, glowering at the pair in distaste as they turned to the entrance of Granny's. The others stared at her incredulously.

  "I never took you as one to be judgemental, Dearie," Gold sneered. "What does it matter if she dates a woman?"

  "I didn't say a woman," Mary-Margaret rolled her eyes at his insinuation. "I said that woman. Don't you think having one evil witch for a stepmother is enough...?"

The others fell about laughing just as the door swung open, and Regina regarded them icily as she preceded Caerys inside.

  "Someone like to share what's so funny?" she asked. She snapped off her gloves, glaring.

  "Nothing," Emma bit back a smile. But her eyes fell upon Caerys, and she succumbed to laughter again as she saw Regina's suspicious expression mirrored on the Red Queen's face.

The two Sorceresses exchanged a dark look, and then stood side by side with their hands on their hips, waiting in silent challenge for an explanation.

  "You see!" Mary-Margaret groaned. She sank back into her chair with the back of her hand pressed to her forehead.

  "Two evil witches, indeed," Gold smirked, under his breath.

Henry got up from his seat to engulf Regina in a bear hug.

  "Hi Mom," he said, beaming up at her. She hugged him back, and then he looked politely across at the starlight figure at his mother's side. "Hi, Caerys."

  "Hello, Henry," Caerys smiled at him. Her face melted at once from a suspicious frown to a soft vision of gentleness. "Do you mind if we join you?"

  "Of course not!" Henry beamed. He took them both by the hand and led them to his side of the table. He sat happily between them and smiled up at Regina. The Evil Queen spared a smile for him in return, but then schooled her features and turned her glare back on the rest of them.

  "Well?" she demanded, folding her arms. "What's all this ridiculous merriment about?"

Henry nudged her impishly with his shoulder. "Snow's upset because she has two wicked stepmothers to deal with now, instead of just you." 

Regina's Queen - OUAT FanficWhere stories live. Discover now