Chapter 1: Prologue

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"Come can do this!" I tell my avatar in the screen as if she could possibly hear me. Just a few more hits...

      I was currently fighting a few trolls off that had stolen some of my belongings, er....Genevieve's belongings actually. (That was the name of my avatar.)

       "I shall get them back even if it is the last thing I do!" I made Genevieve say. "I shall finish you once and for all today!"

       The trolls just chuckle and one throws Genevieve towards a tree causing my XP to get lower by a lot. Dang it! I might not even have enough energy to finish them. "You and what army? Ha!" They say mockingly. Grrr....I've just about had enough of their smarty pants talk.

      Then I remember: I still had half of an energy revival potion with me. I quickly gave it to Genevieve to use it and instantly her XP gained 50 points of energy. Perfect. "You're one to talk." I typed in for her to say with a smirk on her face. She raised her sword and charged at them.

"Yes!" I say to myself.

Just one more.

Just one more hit.

One more hit and I'd win the duel once and for all. All I needed was just....



"Serena, go to bed! You have to wake up for school tomorrow, remember?"

      I groan turning off the screen monitor of my computer. Why now out of all times? "I will! Just give me a few more minutes!"

    "No, you know better than to stay up late with your dang video games. Bed. Now." Commands my mother, trying not to raise her voice. Just hearing her deepen her tone of voice firmly scares the crap out of me.

     I simply frown and nod turning off the computer as well. I take off my headphones and put them back on my nightstand. Gonna have to wait until tomorrow again. And now that I have to go to school again I won't have time for my video games anymore. God damn it why couldn't my mom just have let me stay homeschooled?!

        My opinions mean nothing to her so there's no use trying to convince her to stop letting me go to a public school. The only thing I'm worried about is that I haven't really BEEN to an actual public school since I was about eleven or twelve years old. So my mind is a bit fuzzy about how school actually works.

       "Do I have to go....?" I say in a barely audible voice.

       My mom sighs and nods attempting to smile slightly as if she felt any sympathy for me. "It's a good chance for you to meet new friends and be more social so you can get out of the  house more often. You've been getting much too lazy anyways."

         "Hey the outside world is a dangerous place you know." I say. "Who knows what kind of things could happen to me out there?"

        My mom stifled a laugh. "Haha very funny." She says sarcastically. "You're still going to school, so you might as well just accept it and go with it. How bad can it possibly be?" She gently kisses me on the forehead and closes the door slowly leaving me alone in my small room.

     I sigh again and turn off the lights before going into bed covering myself with my bed covers. I lay awake staring at the dark ceiling wondering of all the possible things that could happen tomorrow.

      "How bad could it possibly be?" I ask myself aloud. "It could be the end of me."


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