Part 9

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 Arianna's POV- Chapter 8; All good things must come to an end

Arianna's OOTN

Cleo and I walk into the house and I see mom sitting on the couch talking on the phone with dad

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Cleo and I walk into the house and I see mom sitting on the couch talking on the phone with dad. She's smiling and laughing and it makes me happy to see her this way.

"Mom, Cleo's here we're going upstairs." I tell her and she mouths Shane and nods.

When we go upstairs and sit on my bed Cleo grabs my wrist.

"Who's Shane? A new boyfriend?" Cleo asks and I shake my head with a smile.

"No Shane is... Shane is our father." I say biting my lip nervously as her mouth hangs open.

"You're joking." She says and I shake my head.

"That's amazing!" She says and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I know how much you've wanted this..." She whispers against my hair and I can't help the tears that fill my eyes.

"Now we need to get you ready for you're not date with Jake." She says going through my closet and pulling out a sweater dress and handing it to me.

We wait a little bit talk and gossip more about guys, Shane, Colton and Trey, and most importantly eat before she does my makeup and I'm ready. The doorbell rings a little while after Cleo goes home and when I walk down the stairs I see Jake talking to mom by the front door.

He's wearing a white t shirt that shows his muscles and perfectly hugs his waist with a sports coat and black ripped jeans. He looks from me to my outfit and his eyes light up like a kid in a candy store.

"You look lovely honey." Mom says on my way out.

"I'll have her home before 11." Jake says as he opens the door for us to walk out.

When we get in the car we turn up the music and jam out to Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga before arriving at the restaurant.

After we sit down a girl approaches the table looking at Jake. 

"Jacob?" She asks as she leans in so he can get a good view of her boobs in the top she's wearing.

"Candice what are you doing here?" He asks and messes with her hair as she smiles flirtatiously.

"I was wondering when you would stop by." She says and he smiles up at her.

"Oh Candice this is Arianna." He says offering me a charismatic smile.

"Oh so you're the poor girl with daddy issues and an asshole for a brother." She says with an angelic smile.

"Alright listen bitch. I don't like you and you clearly don't like me. But you will not disrespect my brother or my family. Say whatever shit you want about me but do not disrespect my family or you will regret it." I say with my arms crossed over my chest and wink at her.

"What can you do? Is that a threat?" She asks and I laugh.

I get up and lean up to her with my arms still crossed and my glare fixed on her fake eyelashes.

"No it's a fucking promise darling. Don't fuck with me or my family." I say while glaring at her.

"You're bluffing." She says and I smile innocently.

"Yeah well the last guy that disrespected my mom was in the hospital with a broken arm and nose." I say while smiling angelically at her. 

"That's enough, Aria. You need to leave." Jake says to me and I look at him surprised.

"Me?" I ask confused and he nods.

"Fine. You two deserve each other." I say as I grab my purse and throw Jake's jacket back at him.

I exit the restaurant and begin to run feeling the tears stream down my face as the rain mixes with new and old tears.


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