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Cecelia was in the kitchen fixing breakfast , For her and her husband Christopher.Christopher walked down the stairs with his black suit and tie , holding his black brief case , he was the boss of his business, he stayed on business trips , Cecelia and Christopher had a good relationship but it wasn't as strong as it should be , because she barely sees her husband , and doesn't  gets to spend quality time with him.She rarely speaks on it because she knows how he feels about his work and how much it's important to him , and when she does speak up on it , the conversation always turns into a big argument.
Christopher-mmm it smells nice in here (Grins)
Cecelia-(chuckles) I'm fixing eggs,bacon,sausage and toast
Christopher-(looks at his watch) I don't think im gonna be able to eat none ..I gotta get going babe
Cecelia-(sighs) so i fixed all this for nothing ?
Christopher-babe I'm sorry , (taking a bite of the toast) but i gotta get going , okay love you (kisses her lips)
Cecelia-ok babe , love you too (kisses his lips)
Christopher-(Grins/grabbing her booty cheeks)
Cecelia-(grins) wait lemme fix your tie (fixes it)
Christopher-it looks good now ?
Cecelia-mhm (kisses his lips) bye
Christopher-bye pretty woman (heads out the door)
Cecelia glared at the breakfast and sighed.She fixed her own plate and hopped into the shower.Cecelia was a stay at home wife.All she does is go to the gym , shop and create YouTube videos.Her channel name was Fashion advice with Cecelia.Cecelia loved fashion and buying clothes and shoes, her YouTube videos were about fashion and giving good advice to woman , young and old , she did clothing hauls too and try ons.She got many subscribers ..she even gain some fans from it.She was pretty known in her town , and it wasn't just because she does YouTube but she has the richest and topnotch husband in the neighborhood.So many women wish they could have Christopher.Some Women do envy Cecelia, she knows it but she try and ignore it.Cecelia hopped out the shower , drying off , she slipped on her gold robe and white fuzzy slippers and hopped into her big king sized bed, cutting on the tv to watch love and hip hop.
Christopher had made it to his work site , and because he was the boss , he can really just pop up when he wants to , it's just the people under him that has to arrive on time.Christopher was a firm man , he wanted everything organized and right.He hated when people move to slow and don't get the job done.His job was about making apps.The job was in the middle of making a new app.He listened to everyone ideas but none of them stuck out to him.Christopher had got settled into his office.He had an interview with a woman , a white woman , this job mostly consisted mostly blacks and Hispanics and only 3 other whites , not too many.So if a new white person is hired , its a big deal because it's rare.The woman knocked on his door.Christopher was in the middle of writing some information down.
Christopher-come in
The woman walked in with a smile.Her name was Wendy.
Wendy-Hi (smiles) I'm Wendy ..Wendy Smith I had an interview this morning ..
Christopher-(still writing) your late
Wendy-I know ..I am so so sorry ..I got stuck in traffic because their was an accident ..
Christopher-not my problem, you just have to be here on are you trying to get a job and your late for the interview?
Wendy-yes i know Iam beyond sorry , if I do get hired i promise you sir it will never happen again
Christopher-(glances up at her) you may sit
Wendy-ok (smiles and sits)
Christopher-tell me about your self
Wendy-what would you like to know sir ?
Christopher-well I was looking at your resume fit some of the qualifications...high school diploma , degrees , worked at The Apple store for 4 years your pretty familiar with technology , and you was a teacher for 2 years ..mmkay ..I guess you like to help people ..but tell me about your self ..what do you enjoy doing ..what's some of your skills ?
Wendy-well I'm a fast and hard worker , very eager and determined , I work well with others , I will always get the job done , I'm always open ears , ready to listen to other people ideas, and I think I'm very keen to things ..
Christopher-All of my employees have the same skills , what makes you so different?..what can you bring to the table that they haven't brought yet?
Wendy-well um ..
Christopher-stop saying um , give me a straight forward answers like you know what the hell
Your talking about
Wendy-sorry um ..oh God I mean i don't feel like I'm different or superior ..I just feel that I can bring something extra ..maybe sorta like a boost ..I know for one I love apps ..and apps can help us with our day to day activities and stay occupied, we have app trackers , apps are a big deal in the technology world ..and before I even applied for this job , I've been jotting down notes and ideas that I feel would be great for making a new app for this company..(hands him her notebook)
Christopher-(takes it and glances threw it) hmm ..i like it might be a good candidate for this job..Ill think about it ..and get back with you
Wendy-(sighs in relief) thank you so much , if you hire me , I will not let you down sir (grins)
Christopher-I'm sure you won't (Grins)
Wendy shook Christopher hand , she strutted out the door tryin to switch wit her black mini short dress suit on.Christopher grinned and continued to work on some papers.
Cecelia was out with her best friend Angie , they were friends since 5th grade , graduated together and went to the same college.Angie was a photographer and her husband Danny works at a bar as a bartender.Both women was hanging out at the local park , licking ice cream cones and chatting about silly things they used to do when they were in high school.
Angie-Gurl remember when we were at that big house party after prom , and you got super drunk , dancing on the table , you even kissed a gurl I think (laughs) and I had to take you home , your ass literally passed out on the floor and that was the end of it (laughs)
Cecelia-oh my God yes I do remember that , we were so wild back then (laughs)
Angie-yeah sure was , we were just wild young cheer girls (grins)
Cecelia-I do miss those days , I can't even lie
Angie-me too , we were so care free you know
Cecelia-yeah now we have bills and husbands to worry about
Angie-gurl yes , it's a mess (Laughs) and how's you and Christopher anyways ?
Cecelia-we've been okay ..he's just so caught up into his work ..we haven't really spent any time wit each other ..
Angie-oh when was the last time y'all fucked ?
Cecelia-gurl I don't even remember
Angie-ooh now that's bad if you can't remember, you should have said this morning (laughs)
Cecelia-gurl plz , that man stay at that job
Angie-I'm sure it can get better ..y'all just gotta talk about it
Cecelia-oh trust me we've tried and it always goes south
Angie-It will be okay , maybe you gotta catch him at the right time or talk to him in a different way
Cecelia-yeah (nods) and how's you and Danny ?
Angie-oh gurl we've been good , he's a good provider , a real nice husband, he can be a lil messy at times but I've called him out about it , he's working on it ..but other than that, he's a pretty good guy
Cecelia-that's good gurl , im happy to hear that , and don't get me wrong .. me and Chris has a good's just I wanna be with him more often
Angie-gurl I completely understand
  Later that day Christopher came home from work , it was around 12pm , Cecelia was sound asleep , with the tv cut on.Christopher shut the tv off , he glanced at his wife and kissed her on the forehead.He quickly took a shower and hopped in the bed holding Cecelia in his arms.Christopher warm arms woke Cecelia , she grinned in her sleep and went back.
            Wendy was in her bed at her rented apartment, she was admiring Christopher's Instagram page , she glared and smirked at all his pictures , she touched her self , as she pictured his naked body on hers , she rubbed her tits and begin to finger herself , she moaned Christopher's name so loud as she fingered her self faster.She came into orgasm and glanced at Christopher's pictures once more.
Wendy-I have to get that job ...
She glared at the pictures that Christopher took with his wife Cecelia , she frowned and threw her phone off the bed.
         TUESDAY 10AM
     Wendy end up getting a call back from Christopher saying that she got the job , after looking over her resume 3 more times.Some things stuck out to him , some things also didn't but he believed in a second chance , and that's what he was gonna give Wendy.Wendy strutted back in his office all proud with a huge smile on her  face.
Wendy-thank you so much Mr Jones , this means so much to me , I cannot thank you enough (smiles)
Christopher-(smiles) don't thank me , you did a great job on your interview ..and I looked Over your resume a few times , so I came to the conclusion and I thought maybe she is special (smiles)
Wendy-(hugs Christopher) this means so much to me
Christopher-(hugs back awkwardly) mhm , well now it's time to work ..
Wendy-yes of course (smiles) I'm ready
Christopher-you should be (grins) I have a stack of papers I need you to file (hands her a huge stack of papers)
Wendy-oh okay , what about the app ? Do I help with that ?
Christopher-nope , I just need you to file those papers (smiles)
Wendy-ok right on it Mr Jones (struggles to grab the papers)
Christopher-(Grins /sits at his desk)
Wendy strutted out with her red blouse and pencil skirt , with matching red pumps , she tried to switch as she walked out.Christopher quickly glanced at her , then looking down at his papers.Wendy went to her desk , all her co workers glared at her.Christopher was on the phone with Cecelia.
Christopher-I'll see you tonight baby gurl
Cecelia-Can't wait babe (Grins)
Christopher-love you babe
Cecelia-love you more
Wendy's desk was kind of close to Christopher's office , and the office wasn't sound proof.She heard everything, she frowned, her anger begin to boil , she wanted to rip up all the papers and throw them in her garbage.She tried remaining calm and continuing her work.
   Later that night Christopher and Cecelia went out on a date to this fancy seafood restaurant call Blue sea.Both sat face to face at the table admiring each other presence.Both glared at each other with smiles.
Waiter-what can I get you two ? (Smiles)
Cecelia-A sweet tea and the boiled shrimp and pasta dish plz (smiles)
Christopher-I'll take the same thank you (smiles)
Waiter-ok , your order will be out shortly (walks away)
Christopher-how was your day beautiful? (Smiles)
Cecelia-It was fine ..went to gym , made a smoothie and I filmed a YouTube video today..
Christopher-sounds pretty good to me (smiles)
Cecelia-wbu babe ? (Grins)
Christopher-work was fine , were still trying to come up with a new app ...
Cecelia-ahh I see y'all have any apps for kids ?
Christopher-uhhh , no actually , we've only made apps for young adults and older ..
Cecelia-well maybe y'all can make an app for children ..
Christopher-what like a game ?
Cecelia-an academic game ..sorta like abc mouse but it's an app and it's better
Christopher-since when kids have phones ..
Cecelia-Chris stop playing , this is 2019 you know Elementary students now a days have cell phones
Christopher-(laughs) I know , I was joking , well I'll take some thought on that ..
Cecelia-ok (smiles)
Christopher-thanks baby
Cecelia-of course I'm your wife , I always give you good tips and advice
Christopher-That you do (Grins)
The waiter came back with their food and drinks , Sitting everything down on the table.
Christopher-This looks good (grins)
Cecelia-yes it does (bows her head)
What Christopher and Cecelia didn't know is that Wendy was glaring at them from her car in the window , she frowned, she hit the steering wheel in anger.
Wendy-That should be me ! Why her ?'! Why does that bitch has to have him !!
She watched as both laughed and chatted.It made her so angry.
          Wendy was home at her apartment , she had blew up all his pictures and taped them all over her walls , Chris picture was her home and lock screen , her laptop background photo , his pictures filled the room.She even blowed up the photos that he took with Cecelia , she aggressively scratched out Cecelia's face , Wendy grabbed a photo box full of her photos , she grabbed her scissors and begin to cut her head out , she glued her head on Cecelia's head , making it look like she was in the photo instead of Cecelia.
Wendy-That's better (grins and laughs)
         Wendy knocked on Christopher's office door.
Christopher-come in
Wendy-Hi Mr Jones , I've finished filing those papers their another assignment for me ?
Christopher-A coffee and  fax these (points to another stack of papers)
Wendy-I got you Mr Jones (smiles/grabbin the papers) I'll be right back with your coffee
Christopher-mhm (glaring and typing on his laptop)
Wendy walked out , she sighed , she quickly sat the papers down at her desk and headed to the break room to fix his coffee.She strutted back out , knocking on his door.He said come in, Wendy walked with a smile holding his coffee.
Christopher-thank you (takes it and drinks it) m this is good
Wendy-I added extra sugar ..Because your such a sweet man ..(smirks)
Christopher-(glances up at her) what ?
Wendy-(laughs nervously) it was a joke
Christopher-oh ..(chuckles awkwardly)
Wendy-may I ask you something?
Christopher-(sighs) mhm
Wendy-I thought I was gonna  be working with you and a few of my co workers on the new app disrespect..I'm Highly grateful for this opportunity and position ..but I just thought i would be doing more than faxing ...
Christopher-you have the start from the bottom before you arrive at the top ..your position isn't high enough to begin working on any apps yet , you just started and you need to get the  basic duties out the way first
Wendy-I understand sir , if you don't mind me throwing out a small suggestion for the app?
Christopher-mhm (glances up at her)
Wendy-what if you made an app that consists of a personal live fitness trainer ..instead of having to go the gym can just work out at home ..and not everyone is able to go to the gym ...some people don't have transportation...and everyone loves apps and being on their phone instead of going to the gym ..the gym comes to you can like pick which physical trainer you want their background and be your on your way ...
Christopher-not bad ...I'll put some thought on that
Wendy-really ? (Smiles)
Christopher-mhm can I drink my coffee in peace ?
Wendy-yes of course (struts out) thank you for listening
Christopher ignore her , he continued to type on his laptop and sip his coffee.Wendy gathered up all the papers and headed to the fax room.Some of the other co workers glared and whispered as she walked by.She grinned and walked passed.Wendy was done faxing , she knocked on Christopher's door.
Christopher-hold on (on the phone with an important person)
Wendy glared at him threw the window , she tried to look away but he was so sexy and she couldn't take her eyes off.Chris caught her eye , he hung up the phone saying come in.She strutted in.Chris glared up at her.
Chris-Yes ?
Wendy-I finished faxing you want anything else ? Perhaps another coffee or snack ?
Chris-no , I'm good ty ..
Wendy-(looks at a picture frame of Chris and Cecelia's wedding photo) I didn't know you were married ..
Christopher-(Shows her the ring on his finger) really ?
Wendy-your wife is very beautiful..(smiles) what does she do ?
Christopher-(glances up at her ) she's a stay at home wife ..but she gets out when she can ..but how about we get out of me and wife's personal business..I need you to copy those papers
Wendy-oh I'm sorry ..I didn't mean to pry ..and ok I'll get right to it (Grins)
Christopher-mhm (typing on his laptop)
Wendy-(struts out)
Christopher came home early , him and Cecelia took a trip to the mall.Christopher was crazy about his wife , despite of his job ; he loved spending time with her when he could , he spoiled her.Christopher hands were full of bags.
Cecelia-So babe I was thinking how about Sunday we have a dinner party and invite Angie and Danny over ..?
Christopher-yes , i would love that , and good thing I'm off on Sundays(Grins)
Cecelia-great ; I'll call them and let them know (smiles) thanks for today baby (kisses his lips)
Christopher-of course , you my woman (kisses her lips)
Later that night Christopher and Cecelia felt pretty horny and they ain't fuck inna while , Chris owes Cecelia some dick, she been craving it.Both ran in the house immediately kissing with passion , both quickly undressed each other , Cecelia layed back opening her legs , Chris came in between , he kissed her neck entered her, Cecelia moaned and yelped in pleasure.Chris forgot to shut the windows.Wendy was outside their window from the back yard , she was wearing an all black hoodie , pants and boots , she glared evilly threw the window from the bushes.She wanted to scream , her skin was boiling , suddenly she threw a big rock at the window ; it flew inside busting the entire window , glass shattered into pieces.Chris and Cecelia jumped and immediately hopped up.
Christopher-The fuck !
Cecelia-oh shit what was that ?!
Christopher threw Cecelia robe on and ran towards the back yard.He seen somebody running away in the woods, he tried to run behind them but they had disappeared.The cops arrived, they asked a few Questions.
Cop-do y'all have any enemies ?
Cecelia-(nods) nooo
Christopher-nope , we don't have no enemies ..idk who could have threw that danm rock ..I tried to run after who ever it was but they were gone ..
Cop-so you ain't see a face ? You just knew it was somebody running ?
Christopher-nope I ain't see no face , it was dark ..and yeah that's all I saw is somebody running ..they was wearing a black hoodie I think ..
Cop-ok , we will look into it ..if anything else happens give us a call ..but I wouldn't worry too much about it could just been teens playing a prank .trying to scare y'all ..
Christopher-well ..idk ..but ok ..thank you
Cecelia-(sighs) well we need to fix our window
Christopher-I'll figure that out tomorrow babe
The officers left and Cecelia and Christopher hugged.
Cecelia-danm who could have did that ?? I'm shook
Christopher-idk ...but I'm shook too ..and Ion if it was a prank or not  ..but I don't want you worrying about that while I'm at work ..
Cecelia-I'll make sure all  the doors lock ..I'll be okay baby .
Christopher-are you sure ? You know I can stay home tomorrow if you don't feel safe ..
Cecelia-no babe i wouldn't want you to do that ..your job is important
Christopher-your important..
Cecelia-babe I'll be okay , (kisses his lips) lemme call Angie and tell her what happened..
Christopher-ok , I'll be in the shower
      Cecelia was out grocery shopping at Walmart.Wendy was off on Thursday's.She was in Walmart too.Cecelia was pushing her buggie ; grabbing some can goods.Wendy glared at her from the back evilly.Cecelia turned around and Wendy quickly smiled.Wendy walked up to Cecelia.
Wendy-I don't think we met ..(holds her hand out)
Cecelia-who are you ? (Awkwardly shakes her hand)
Wendy-I'm Wendy ..Wendy Smith , i work for your husband , I just started the job Monday ...
Cecelia-oh hi I'm Cecelia ..Chris  never mentioned you's the job ..are you enjoying it ?
Wendy-it's really good , he sure does have me working (chuckles)
Cecelia-(grins) yeah that sounds like Chris ..
Wendy-So where do you work at ?
Cecelia-oh me ? Uh I don't work , Chris pays all the bills , I'm just a stay at home wife ..
Wendy-oh your a house wife ? (Grins)
Cecelia-um (Sightly Frowns) I don't really like to call it that sounds like an insult ..
Wendy-oh I'm sorry ..I didn't mean to offend you ..
Cecelia-no it's okay ..don't worry about it did you just move here ..
Wendy-I sure did , I have an apartment that I'm renting , it's ok , not the best you know (chuckles) word has it ..your house is like a mansion
Cecelia-(chuckles) it's pretty big , nothing to extravagant..
Wendy-I would love to see it (smiles) I've always admired homes ...I was thinking about moving in oak hills when I save up enough of money , I just wanna get an idea of what the homes look like up close and personal ..cuz I've only seen pictures online ..
Cecelia -yeah sure , I'm free today actually..
Wendy-great and good thing I'm off today
Cecelia-well I'll see you around 4 ish ..I guess , what's your number , I'll text you the address..
Wendy-4 is perfect and ok (smiles)
Both women exchanged numbers and went their ways.
      4pm came and Wendy pulled up in the driveway with her red Nissan.She hopped out the car , she admired and glared at the whole house.She knocked on the door with confidence.Cecelia opened the door with a smile.
Cecelia-Hi (smiles)
Wendy-heyyy gurl
Cecelia-(smiles awkwardly) come on in ..
Wendy-oh my ...this is beautiful...
Cecelia-thank you (Grins)
Wendy-your quite welcome..
Cecelia-as you can see this is the living room ..The kitchen , Dining area , Chris study , and follow me upstairs (smiles)
Wendy-This is breath taking , the black and white colors are so beautifully coordinated and it's so clean and have great taste
Cecelia-aw tysm , I'm a fashion lover , so I'm definitely good with color coordinating
Wendy-I love fashion as well !
Cecelia-omg really ? You should start watching my YouTube videos , my name is Fashion advice with Cecelia ..I give all sorts of  tips and techniques for women all around the world , I answer questions and try on fits and discuss fashion hauls ..I do it all
Wendy-That is absolutely amazing , I cannot wait to start watch your videos , you definitely have a new subscriber !
Cecelia-That means a lot , tysm here's the guest bed room, this is another extra bed room ...
Wendy-are you and Chris planning on having kids ?
Cecelia-most definitely, I want a baby now ..but Chris is always at work and we don't really have time to make babies ..
Wendy-ahh I see will happen soon I'm sure
Cecelia-(grins) and this is the master bed room
Wendy-So this is the Kingdom of Chris and Cecelia huh ? (Grins)
Cecelia-(laughs) you can call it that I guess
Wendy-wow , I definitely have to move here , if this is what all of the houses in this neighborhood looks like inside , then I gotta have one (grins)
Cecelia-(grins) yeah these homes are definitely worthy ..and you will get one , one day
Wendy-thanks Cecelia
Cecelia-yeah me and Chris  having a dinner party Sunday you wanna come ? It's at 7
Wendy-oh I would love too (grins) tysm for the invite
Cecelia-yeah no problem ..(smiles)
Both women hugged and said good byes.
Wendy-and thank you again for this little tour ; I'm so happy I met you (smiles)
Cecelia-aw it was nothing , take care now
Wendy-you too (walks out)
Wendy arrived home.
Wendy screamed to the top of her lungs.
The glass shattered and breaks.Wendy ran into the bathroom to take some of her pills , she filled her hands with the water from the faucet and threw the pills in the back of her head.She huffed and puffed with anger glaring at herself in the mirror.
Wendy-Wendy you have to take him from her ! You need that house , you need that bed , you need that kitchen , YOU NEED CHRIS !! (Hits the sink)
Angie and Danny knocked on the door.
Christopher-hey ! Glad y'all could make it (gives Danny dap and hugs Angie)
Cecelia-heyyyyy yall (hugs Angie and Danny)
Angie-hey babeee (hugs back)
Cecelia-Come on in (smiles)
Danny-It smells good up in here
Christopher-(laughs) we cooked pork chops , Mac n cheese , yams , collard greens and corn bread and baked a pound cake (smiles)
Angie-oh my God that sounds delicious
Cecelia-and Chris makes the best Mac n cheese (Grins)
Everyone sat around the table.
Christopher-I guess we can eat now (Grins)
Cecelia-actually one more person is coming ..
Christopher-who ? (Frowns)
Cecelia-I forgot to tell you of your employees..
Christopher-your just now telling me About this ?
Danny and Angie glanced at each other.
Cecelia-I'm sorry ..i had forgot ...but we met in Walmart and we just started to talk . And she wanted to see our house cuz she was planning on moving in the neighborhood so I told her she can come over and I gave her a tour ..
Christopher-my employee ..Wendy came into our house ?
Cecelia-I didn't know it would be a problem sorry
Christopher-(sighs) Cecelia you have to tell me about these things ..this is my house too you know
Cecelia-I know and I'm sorry , it slipped my mind you want me to call her and make up something..?
Christopher-no you don't have to do that ,.shes probably almost here anyways
Cecelia-(nods) I'm sorry
Angie-anyone wants anymore whine ? (Smiles awkwardly)
Cecelia-Yes plz (Grins)
Wendy pulled up in the driveway , she knocked on the door.
Cecelia-and speaking of Wendy
Christopher-I'll get it
Christopher hopped up , opening the door.Wendy glared at him with a big smile.She was mesmerized.
Christopher-Hi Wendy(Grins)
Wendy-Hi Mr Jones (smiles) your wife Invited me
Christopher-that was very nice of her , come on in (Grins)
Wendy-Hiiii (hugs Cecelia)
Cecelia-heyyyy honey (hugs her)
Angie-(glared at Wendy with an awkward smile)
Cecelia-So Wendy this is my best friend Angie and her husband Danny
Wendy-Hi (Shakes Angie and Danny hands)
Angie-Hey (smiles)
Danny-Hi , nice to meet you (Grins)
Wendy-like wise (Grins)
Everyone sat down.Wendy glared at Christopher with a smirk.She could not believe she was having dinner with her boss , that she highly admired.
Christopher-now we can eat ..Everyone bow your heads plz
Everyone bowed their heads.
Christopher-Lord thank you for this food were about to receive in Jesus name Amen
Everyone-Amen !
Danny-lets eat !
Everyone laughed.
Angie-So congrats Wendy on getting the job ..i heard its pretty hard to get hired ..word has it Christopher can be real strict when it comes down to hiring people ..
Wendy-I guess he saw something special in me (smirks at Chris)
Christopher-(laughs) I was a little intrigued by your resume ..I guess i did see something special in ya
Cecelia-(glares and smiles at Wendy and Chris)
Wendy-I know Mr Jones ..
Christopher cut her off.
Christopher-you can call me Chris here
Cecelia-(glances at Angie)
Wendy-Well Chris (smiles) have you put in any thought about my suggestion for the app ?
Cecelia-suggestion ?
Wendy-yes , I suggested that maybe the new app can be based off fitness ..instead of having to go to the gym , the gym can come to you..and what I mean is you can pick a personal trainer and get your work out done like that
Christopher-I've been thinking about it ..
Cecelia-that sounds pretty good , I even made a suggestion as well about the app ..I was thinking maybe the app can be for kids ..sorta like abc mouse or leap frog ..but in app form would be way more convenient..and fun
Wendy-that sounds ..good
Christopher-I love both of your ideas (Grins) I'll just have to think about it
Angie-well my opinion disrespect but people can work out without a personal trainer , you don't really need an app for that ..I like Cecelias idea better are the future ...they need more help and opportunities..and our future kids would be in love with an app like that
Cecelia-thank you Ang (Grins) and your right ..our kids will be the next generation..but Wendy your idea is Awesome as well
Christopher-I see what your saying Angie direction is kind of heading towards Cecelia
Wendy-(glares at Cecelia) May I use your restroom ?
Cecelia-sure down the hall to your left (Grins)
Wendy strutted down the hall with her short mini black dress and pumps , she went inside the bathroom, she glared into the mirror, she opened the medicine cabinet.She noticed a bottle that said Oxycodone , with Christopher's name on it , she remember she heard he got into a bad car accident.She grabbed the bottle and stole it , stuffing it into her purse.
Cecelia-is Wendy still in the bathroom?
Christopher-maybe you Should check on her
Wendy strutted out.
Cecelia-your okay?
Wendy-yes (smiles) ..I have to get going ..thank you so much for the invite , the meal was delicious..
Cecelia-of course and thank you (smiles and hugs her)
Christopher-Thank you , thanks for coming
Wendy-I'll see you at work tomorrow (Grins/hugs Christopher)
Cecelia seized Wendy as she hugged Christopher.
Wendy-and again nice meeting you Angie and Danny
Angie-same to you (Grins)
Danny-(nods) nice meeting you
Wendy strutted out the door.Cecelia waved as she sped off.She honked her horn and disappeared in the distance.Wendy arrived home , she hopped out her car , she immediately begin to make a smoothie , she cut up some fruit , pouring some milk and ice cream , and grabbing Christopher's pill bottle , she poured out the pills , crushing all of them until it became nothin but powder, she scooped the pile into the bottle , she shook the bottle up and placed it in the fridge.
Wendy-I'm gonna get rid of you Cecelia Jones (Grins) I'm gonna be the new Mrs Jones (smirks)
             MONDAY 10Am
    Wendy watched Christopher leave for work , she glared at him from a far distance , she glared evilly as Cecelia kisses and hugged Christopher as he hopped in the car , and he sped away,Wendy glared evilly at Cecelia.
Wendy-bitch (whispers)
She sped off and headed to work.She arrived.
Wendy-Gm Mr Jones (smiles) last night was really fun , I would like to do it again sometime
Co workers glared their way.
Christopher-about that ...I don't feel comfortable with my employees associating with me and my family outside of work , I'm not tryin to sound rude but it's just not appropriate..I understand if your friends with my wife but we're not friends , I'm your boss that's it , do you understand?
Wendy-yes of course Mr Jones , I'm sorry's just .i moved here a week ago and I really needed some gets really lonely in my apartment and I really needed someone to talk to when I bumped heads with Cecelia , I just knew I had to take that opportunity and make a new friend
Christopher-yes Wendy I see where your coming from , I'm not saying you can't associate your self with my wife ..just not me , it doesn't look good to the other would make them Jealous ...make them think your my favorite..
Wendy-ohh Yes Mr Jones ..I understand (walks away)
She rolled her eyes and plopped on her seat at her desk.Chris glared at her and walked away in his office.After work , Wendy left , Christopher had to stay back to work on some things.It was around 10pm.Wendy headed straight to Cecelia's home.She hopped out her car , she knocked on the door and immediately begin to cry.Cecelia answered.
Cecelia-oh my God Wendy what's wrong ??
Wendy-I just been so lonely...and I feel like I have nobody , this is such a big town and I feel so isolated ...and I miss Boston ...I just want somebody to talk to ..(sobs)
Cecelia-oh you poor thing , come in , lemme take your jacket
Wendy-thank you , your literally the only person I've talked to in this town , Everyone is so unfriendly
Cecelia-I understand..but your not alone , you have me , I'm your friend (hugs her)
Wendy-really ?? (Hugs her tightly) thank you
Cecelia-of course love , hey I baked some brownies, do you want some ?
Wendy-Oh I would love one thank you (Grins/wiping her tears)
Cecelia-(nods) sweets always cheer me up
Wendy-(chuckles) food has always been a cure
Cecelia-(laughs) right
Cecelia brings the brownies.
Wendy-(takes one) these look delicious...(takes a bite) oh my ..oh my God it just melts in your mouth ; what's your recipe?
Cecelia-that's a secret (laughs)
Wendy-(laughs) ..So Thursday aka my off day , I was wondering would you like to go jogging with me ? (Smiles)
Cecelia-sure of course , I love jogging ; what time ?
Wendy-I guess 3:30 ?
Cecelia-sounds good to me (smiles)
Wendy-great , I'll see you , I guess I better get going , thank you so much for everything
Cecelia-thank me for what ?
Wendy-for being a friend , and these amazing brownies (laughs)
Cecelia-aww , you don't have to thank me
Wendy-but I do , Everyone doesn't have your heart
Cecelia-awe , (hugs her) well you take care now
Wendy-thank you and you do the same
Cecelia-Um ..when you said I had a heart ...that ment a lot because back in the day I was a straight hell razer and I had no chill or respect for anybody , I was mean , I had fights  , I hated people , I was wild , I thought I was the popular girl , and then once I got older I turned my self to God and that's when my life got better (smiles) so by you saying that really did something to me and I mean that in a good way
Wendy-wow ..that's amazing never know someone's back story , I would have never thought you were like that ..
Cecelia-I know ..I don't tell everyone my past , but the people that I have told , has the same reaction
Wendy-wow ..well I'll see you (smiles)
Christopher was pulling up.He hopped out the car , he glared at Wendy.
Christopher-what are you doin here Wendy ?
Cecelia-oh honey , she was upset and needed someone to talk to , we chatted and exchanged brownies (smiles) no harm done
Christopher-mhm have a good night now
Wendy-thank you Mr Jones , you and your wife have a good one as well
Christopher nodded and shut the door.
Christopher-why was my  employee in our house again ?
Cecelia-Chris I don't see what the big deal is , she's my friend
Christopher-(sighs) I don't feel right with my employees at my house , getting into my business
Cecelia-Shes not getting into our's just me and her ,we're suppose to go jogging Thursday afternoon
Christopher-well I just don't want the other employees to find out and they get jealous
Cecelia-Shes not gonna tell them , that's none of their business anyways
Christopher-yes she can tell them  , you don't know that , just imagine how that would look , my new employee that I just hired a week ago is getting special privileges, and people who has been their for years isn't
Cecelia-well I see where you coming from , but that's not gonna make me stop hanging with her , I'm a grown ass woman and I hang out with who I want
Christopher-I never said you couldn't hang out with her
Cecelia-I mean hell your never here  ! Your always at work , you get off late as hell , I need some company sometime , I be bored , your always drinking champagne and laughing with your employees while I'm here at home bored , looking at movies all day
Christopher-then get a job !
Cecelia-(gasps and Frowns)
Christopher-I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way ..(tries to hold her)
Cecelia-dont touch me ! Your sleeping on the couch tonight ! You and everyone else thinks ima house wife , because all they think is that I cook and clean and that I don't have a fucking life !! Well guess what you workaholics I do !!!
Christopher-I'm sorry , just calm down ! I didn't mean it in a rude way
Wendy was watching from a distance in her car , threw their window, she laughed and laughed as she saw and heard their argument.
Wendy-looks like the old Cecelia is getting triggered
Cecelia-well I took it in a rude way (walks upstairs)
Christopher-did you forget that I'm doing this for you , I work everyday for us , to pay these bills , to keep a danm roof over our heads , why am I being punished?!
Wendy-I know I know ! And I appreciate that , but not only do I want a provider but I also want a husband , k wanna spend time with you , nigga I wanna fuck , we barely have time for each other !
Christopher-I'm sorry I'm not the best husband , I'm trying Cece , I'm trying !
Wendy-try harder (walks in the room and slams the door)
Christopher-(deeply sighs/slumping down on the couch)
Wendy was dying of laughter, she cranked up the car and sped off.
TUESDAY-Christopher was at work and Cecelia had went off with Angie somewhere.Wendy broke into their home , she installed cameras in different areas and rooms of the house.The kitchen,master bed room , living room and even in the bathroom.She also planted some red underwear in the bed.She smirked and ran out the house.Later that night Christopher and Cecelia was home.Chris was in the shower.
Cecelia-Hurry up babe (giggles)
Christopher-I'm coming (laughs)
Cecelia-your gonna be saying that again (giggles)
Cecelia pulled back the covers, she gasped and screamed.
Wendy was watching the whole thing.She glared evilly and laughed.Chris ran out butt naked.
Christopher-what's wrong ?!
Cecelia-theirs another bitch draws in our bed !!
Christopher-I don't know how that got their !
Cecelia-oh really ?! I can't believe this shit !! I knew you were always cheating on me, that's why you stay out late ! You BITCH !
Christopher-NO ! I did not cheat on you !! I don't know how that got their !
Cecelia-So I'm suppose to believe you ?!
Christopher-yes , I'm your husband !
Cecelia-well not anymore , get yo shit and get the fuck out !
Cecelia-GET OUT ! I don't wanna hear any more of this shit !
Christopher-your making a mistake , this was planted !
Cecelia-So Your saying some bitch broke into our house and planted their draws in our bed ?!
Christopher-YES !
Cecelia-stop ! Get your ass out !
Christopher grabbed his suitcases , packing his belongings.Cecelia glared at him so hateful.Wendy was laughing hysterically, watching the whole thing.
Christopher-I'll be at the motel down the street ...I'm telling you your making a big mistake
Cecelia-just stop talking , and get the fuck out
Christopher sighed deeply, he knew he couldn't win that fight.He threw all his things in the back seat and sped off down the street.Cecelia screamed.She put some gloves on , ran out the house and slung those draws so far on the street.
Wendy-are you mad ? Are you upset ? Awwwwww (laughs hard) he's mine now you bitch
Cecelia threw a whine glass and it shattered.
Cecelia-I HATE YOU !!
Wendy-ooh somebody's throwing a temper tantrum
Wendy slipped on a red tight fitted dress with some red lingerie underneath.She sprayed some perfume and put on some red lip stick.She hopped into her car and went to the motel that Chris was staying in.
Wendy pulled up , she parked and hopped out,She went up to the counter.
Woman behind desk-how can I help you ?
Wendy-hi I'm here to see my boyfriend, he told me to meet him here , his name is Christopher Jones , what room is he staying in ?
Woman behind desk-687 , upstairs , here's the key (hands it to her)
Wendy-thank you (smiles)
Woman behind desk-mhm (Seizes Wendy)
Wendy strutted threw with her red pumps , she knocked on the door.Chris answered and jumped.
Christopher-what the hell are you doing here Wendy ?
Wendy-I wanted to see you
Christopher-did you follow me ?
Wendy-of course not , can I come in (smirks)
Christopher-no you can't come in , you need to leave
Wendy-why ? (Tries to kiss him)
Christopher-(backs away) what are you doing ? I'm a married man , I'm your boss and your my employee ..
Wendy-but you said I was special ..
Christopher-what ? Oh danm you got it all twisted ..when I said you were special I was saying the things you had on your resume was good , like you had great skills , I didn't mean it as In your special and I wanna get with you
Wendy-So you don't love me ?
Christopher-what ?! No I don't love you ! Are you crazy , I'm a married man , I don't even know you !
Wendy-(tears up) so I'm not special ?
Christopher-listen I'm sorry for whatever signals you got but you gotta go, you gotta go !
Wendy-I'm sorry
Christopher-dont go near my house anymore , don't go near my wife nobody , just leave , and we will pretend like this never happened at work ok?
Wendy-(sighs) so I got dressed for nothing
Christopher-yeah you did, now leave (slams the door in he face)
Wendy strutted off , she begin to sob , she hopped in her car and screamed , she hit the steering wheels and sped off,
      Wendy came over to Cecelia  house , Cecelia was on the couch crying and chatting with Angie , she was trying to comfort her.They heard a knock on the door.
Angie-I'll get it (hops up)
Angie opened the door.Angie seized Wendy.
Angie-Hi Wendy
Wendy-hey i came by to see Cecelia
Angie-that's the same thing I did , cuz I'm her best friend
Wendy-well I'm her friend too
Cecelia-Wendy come in
Angie seizes Wendy , Wendy glared back and smirked.
Cecelia was wiping her tears.
Wendy-are you okay ? (Sits on the couch)
Cecelia-Chris Cheated on me (cry's)
Wendy-oh my God , I'm so sorry to hear that , gurl you don't deserve him , you so much better without him anyways
Angie Frowns.
Angie-it's not that easy , Cecelia still loves him and I'm sure he still loves her ..
Cecelia-yeah i do still love him , it's complicated..(sighs) I trusted him all these years
Wendy-people don't cheat on you if they love you
Cecelia-but he did say something about he thinks the underwear could have been planted ...
Angie-What if the same person that threw the rock planted the underwear too ?
Cecelia-that could be possible ..some gurl is seriously out to get me then
Angie-and so many women in this neighborhood is jealous of you because you have Chris ,money , this house , this car , most people think you have the perfect life ...
Cecelia-it's possible , I get a lot of hate comments on my YouTube videos and it's never pertaining to my videos it's always comments about my personal life
Angie-it's definitely some bitch gotta be trolling you
Wendy-or maybe the man actually cheated on you ..guys can be dogs ..i would know ..I was cheated on a few years ago , I caught my boyfriend sleeping with another woman
Cecelia-that's terrible ..
Wendy-yeah but I moved on and I'm better than ever before ..and that's what you gotta do , you have to move on and find another man who is gonna really love and appreciate you
Cecelia-i thought Chris did
Wendy-well he didn't
Angie-yes he did , you never seen what I saw .,you've been here for like 3 seconds and you think you know shit
Wendy-um my bad ,.its life
Angie-it's gonna be okay Cecelia , just call him , the key to a good relationship is communicating ..y'all have to talk this out and listen to each other sides of the story
Wendy-I gotta get going, are we still up for tomorrow's jog ?
Cecelia-sure (nods)
Angie-jog ?
Cecelia-me and Wendy is gonna go jogging tomorrow afternoon
Angie-oh , well , I won't be able to come ..
Cecelia-It okay
Cecelia hugged Wendy , she strutted out the door.
Angie-something isn't right about her ..don't trust her ..
Cecelia-why you say that ?
Angie -she kept tryin to talk down you getting back in with Chris ..
Cecelia-I guess she was speaking that way from experience
Angie-dont be naive know how woman are ..usually wen their talking you out of your relationship with someone..they want your man for themselves, so they will try and convince you to not work out anything..
Cecelia-She never showed any signs of interest in Chris
Angie-are you sure ?
Cecelia-well I do remember how she tightly hugged him at the dinner party..I didn't really think nothing of it tho
Angie-I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that planted those underwear and threw that rock ...
Cecelia-No way ..She wouldn't..
Angie-you dont know that bitch , idc how nice somebody may seen , you just never know
Cecelia-yeah your right ..but I don't wanna accuse her anything if she's innocent...
Angie-just pay attention ok ? And get your husband back
Cecelia-(nods) ok
Wendy was watching the entire thing , she heard the whole conversation.
Wendy-looks like we have a problem, and it needs to be Eliminated
        Later that night Angie was home , Danny was out with some buddies from work .She was in the shower.She suddenly heard a slight bang from downstairs.She jumped.
Angie-Dan your back already?!
No reply.
Angie hopped out the shower , she dryed off and put on her robe.She glanced around the place , she went downstairs and noticed a chair was knocked on the floor, she bent down to pick it back up and when she stood up, she was suddenly being strangled to death by a belt.She gasped , tryin to fight the person off.The belt was too tight around her neck.It gripped so tightly and Angie closed her eyes and her head slumped over.The person removed their black hoodie.
Wendy -I couldn't have you convincing Cecelia to get back with my husband
Wendy dragged her body in the upstairs closet.
           Wendy hopped out her car , she knocked on Cecelia's door.Cecelia answered.
Wendy-hey gurl hey , you ready ? (Smiles:holding two smoothies)
Cecelia-sure and ooh did you bring me a smoothie ??
Wendy-I sure did ! It's strawberry's , bananas , peaches , milk , ice cream and flax seeds
Cecelia-I usually take  my own smoothie but wow that sounds delicious
Wendy-It is , you have to try it
Cecelia-and I forgot your all about the fitness world , so I'm definitely gonna take your word
Wendy-(chuckles) exactly
Cecelia took the smoothie and begin to drink some.
Both girls jogged around the block.Both gurls jogged their asses off.
Cecelia-I'm gettin kind of tired all of a sudden , let's go back home
Wendy-are you sure ? Are you okay ?
Cecelia-yeah yeah I'm fine , I'm feeling dizzy ...
Cecelia begin to stagger.Wendy held her up.
Cecelia-Did did you Poisen me ?
Wendy-(laughs evilly) come on
Wendy held Cecelia up and they arrived back to the house , Cecelia was dizzy.
Cecelia-what did you do to me ?
Wendy-I only put a high dosage of oxycodone in your smoothie , you bitch !
Cecelia-huh? I don't understand?!
Wendy-Chris is mine , you don't deserve him , you have the perfect life , you have the big home ; the expensive car , the perfect husband , money , you have it all you spoiled rich bitch ! People like me have to work for things , we don't get silver spoons !
Cecelia-(drowsy) I never had a silver spoon
Wendy-yes you did  , you got it made you bitch ; you don't even have to work , you depend on your rich husband to pay all your bills ! I deserve a man like that ; I deserve a life like this , I wanna know what it feels like to not want for nothing !!
Wendy had a gun pointed to Cecelia , she was tied up in a chair.
Cecelia-plz ! You don't have to do this ! I don't have the perfect life , I really don't !
Wendy-liar ! And guess what it was me that was commenting all those bad things under your YouTube ; I made 10 different accounts just to do that
Cecelia-oh my God , your crazy !
Wendy-no I am not ! Don't say that !
Cecelia -so you were the one that threw the rock and planted the underwear ?!
Wendy-of course, you naive bitch , Chris is my husband , he's not yours !! I had to get close to his stupid wife in order to get close to him ! I planted cameras in your home ; I watched everything y'all did ; I heard everything ! I loved seeing Chris naked body , I finger myself every time , i always pictured his body on top of mines , kissing me , fucking me !
Cecelia-you was obsessed with him ! You crazy bitch , you better keep dreaming cuz you will never have my Chris !
Wendy-you stay put , imma fix me and my husband, some food ; I know he's gonna be starved he gets home
Wendy stuffed her mouth with a wash cloth.
Cecelia muffled screamed.Wendy headed downstairs.
Wendy-I'll be back to kill you !
Cecelia Muffled scream , she struggled trying to untie her self from the chair.Wendy skipped to the kitchen , she grabbed some stuff out the kitchen and begin to prepare a meal.Cecelia finally managed to untie her self.Wendy heard a slight noise , she grabbed a butcher knife and headed back upstairs.She went into the room and noticed Cecelia was gone.
Wendy-you can run but you can't hide , I will find you !
Wendy glared all around , she went into the guest room , and she saw nobody in sight.
Wendy-where are you ?!
Wendy went into the other room , she swung open the closet and Nobody was in sight.
Wendy-Danm ! Where are you , you ungrateful bitch !
Suddenly Cecelia ran up on Wendy from the back , she hit her head with a lamp.Wendy screamed and fell to the floor unconscious.Cecelia ran down stairs , she quickly Called the police , but before she could say anything.Wendy screamed uncontrollably and ran up on her , she cut her in the back with the knife.Cecelia screamed in pain and she fell forward.Wendy grabbed her and got on top of her , both girls struggled.Cecelia kicked Wendy in the face ; she grunted in pain and fell backwards.Cecelia tried to get up but Wendy grabbed and cut her leg.Cecelia whimpered.She was getting weaker because of the medication.Wendy grabbed her and begin to beat her silly.Cecelia grunted in pain , she punched her back , and she fell backwards.Wendy hopped up , she attacked Cecelia , Cecelia was pinned to the stair case.Wendy tried to stab Cecelia , Cecelia made her strength come and suddenly the knife was being stabbed in Wendy's belly.She coughed up blood , and glared at Cecelia.She dropped dead to the floor.Cecelia picked her up and threw her body over the stair case , she hit the chandelier and the glass table on the way down.
Cecelia-YEAH BITCH !!
The cops and Christopher arrived.Chris Hugged and kissed Cecelia.
Christopher-Oh my God baby are you Okay ?!
Cecelia-yea , I got some cuts but I'll be okay ..Wendy was the one that planted the underwear , and she was the one that threw the rock , she even planted cameras in our home .
Christopher-so that's how she knew what motel I was at ?
Cecelia-She came by ?
Cecelia-I'm sorry I didn't believe you baby
Christopher-it's okay baby , I'm just happy your okay
Both hugged and kissed again.
Christopher-I love you
Cecelia-I love you more
Cecelia and Christopher found out that Angie was dead , they attended her funeral.Cecelia was hysterical , but she knew she had to be strong for her.Chris end up going with the app suggestion that Cecelia came up with.He Called the app For Kids only , It was an app that was gonna help kids with school and learning and not just school things but about life ; like sharing , making friends , peer pressure , and of course just being a kid and having fun.The app was loaded with fun and interactive games and features , kids can even become friends with other kids and compete in games and chat with each other.The app became a success and many Kids and their parents loved it.
It was an year later.Cecelia was rubbing her  6 month pregnant belly.
Cecelia-Princess is gonna love your new app daddy when she gets older (chuckles)
Christopher-She sure is (chuckles and kisses Cecelia)
Christopher had got better being a husband , he spent more time with Cecelia , they had more conversations; they even went on a few vacations.Life was great.Both was happy and living their best life's.
                                     THE END

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