lost and found

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Next day...

Zeros pov

I woke up in the motel I stayed at stretching out my sore limbs, hearing the popping in my joints I had to make a plan on the future for myself so what to do well I did see some,
Hunter bounties that paid well I could do that, after taking a shower then getting dressed for the day I searched for said bounties I walked in one of the HA, buildings the was across the country.

These buildings are two faced this building for example looks like a coffee house and acts like a coffee house but was really just an HA building.

"Hello" said a man behind the coffee bar greeted he had deep brown hair and emerald green eyes,
"Today's special is a sweet caramel blend," right I said in a bored tone anyways I'm here a bounty I said, "really well come to the back and we'll talk" he said.

As we walked to the back of the store in his office he closed the door behind me,
So he said his cheerful mask fell "what are doing here mr. Kiryu?" Well as I said I'm here for a bounty.

"Well no offense kid but yagari got here before you did but clearly you look like you could use some help so I'll bend some rules sense I'm bored yeah there's some e's around a warehouse down at the docks, there's been a lot of reports of attacks people gettin drained and all down there."

 Alright I thanked him and exited the coffee house to the docks towards the warehouse I didn't need to enter the damn building to smell the
blood as I went to open the door only to find it locked, damn I muttered I walked around the warehouse to find the second floor window open perfect I smirked.

?? Pov
I was walking around around town looking for someone my son zero I looked for him for years after the death of my late wife Salem I've been looking for him but of course with the help of the rest of the family I was wondering around the docks near a warehouse when I saw.....

Zeros pov

I sensed someone watching me so I continued to act like I didn't notice until I was in the warehouse as I turned around to face him he seemed surprised he looked like he was in his mid to late 30's silver white hair and icy blue eyes he wear a deep red jacket,
He had a large sword on his back and a pair of black and silver pistols who are you I
Demanded "sorry kid can't tell ya that" and why not? I questioned, "I just can't kid but I am a demon hunter heard there demons in here so I'm here to kick some demon ass," really why? from what I hear there are only level E's
In here.

" I know kid these level E vampires are the lowest class of demons my guess is that there's a shit ton of them in there and your gonna need back up and I mean hell you look like shit no offense kid," I thought for a moment alright if your right then I'll need it hope your as good as you say you are oh the zero kiryu by the way, nice ta meet ya z eh...ya don't mind if I call z right? 

"Sigh" no not at all, sweet alright kid let's kick some demon ass
Your really carefree for a guy your age, "and your to serious for a kid your age," touché I smirked as we continued down the hall way and began are hunt.

( a/n Salem is an oc of mine she will only be talked about and described on what she looks like, her twin on the other hand will be in the story)

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