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Brendon's POV

Hi my name's Brendon Urie but some of you may know me as Percy Jackson but he is dead you see after those dreaded camps betrayed me for my ex-brother and ex-sister who were twins I changed my name and moved to LA to start a new life so here I am 5 years later with the new band members since the old band members quit and left me to write songs by myself till I found some new band members to replace them.  I proposed to Sarah a couple of days ago and the wedding is in a couple of weeks where all the sinners are welcome to come so that's all for the past and little future I felt like I was in heaven and nothing could get me in a bad mood oh how wrong I was.

(Time skip to a year after the wedding)

I am just making out with my wife when a Iris message comes into veiw from the throne room I was just going  to ignore them but when I did someone coughed into their fist we broke apart. "What do you want" me and Sarah said at the same time which was kinda creepy but we have gotten used to it since we have been together for 5 years but married for 1 year.
"We want Panic at the Disco to preform at a camp for demigods called camp half-blood and you and your band must do it and if you don't you will severly punished if you don't come tomorrow night" said drama queen with the mitter than though voice. I groaned and said to Sarah quietly " no it's camp half-hell" she laughed loudly while I smiled softly "Fine but don't expect us to be very happy to be there drama queen" I said to Zues aka THE drama queen I cut the I.M. before they could replie to what I said. Then I left to go tell the band about us going to camp half-hell. Then we were out of LA and on our way to camp half-hell on the plane the band was practicing with the exception me and Sarah making out.

(Time skip to the when they arrive at camp half-hell)

When we got up the hill we looked at the place that we had to stay at for a while with so much disgust that it actually scared some of people that were on the hill to greet us but we ignored them as we walked up to Chirion who greeted us and said that we would have to stay in the big house "Why do you look at this place with disgust" Chirion asked as he gave us our tour "Well one of us has been here and told us what happened to him so we actually are not happy to be here but we have to be here" said Sarah really quiet so only the band and Chirion could hear what she said. Then we got ready for bed with some of us making out as we did so.

So what do you think good or bad.

Percy Jackson is Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now