The Liar and The Star

170 7 6

Tags: #Canon Divergence #Memory Loss #Memory Altercations #Return to Hala.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Maria asked.

"Someone needs to deal with, Yon," Carol replied with a shrug. "There's no one better for the job than me."

Vers - no, Carol wasn't it?- world been turned on its head. Everything she thought she knew had been a lie. She was not a Kree by birth, nor did she come from a planet in the Kree Empire. She came from C-53 - Earth - a modest planet, primitive compared to some, but no less wondrous than any other world that the galaxies had to offer. She had people who cared for her here, friends and family who had mourned for her believing she was dead. She had discovered she had been a pilot, which came as no surprise as even with the memory altercations she had gone through nothing could ground her love of soaring through the air.

For six years her past had been a blank slate. The only clues she ever had were little phrases and quirks that she naturally fell into, that made other Kree frown in puzzlement, revealing to her that they were odd behaviours. Carol had always put it down to being minor cultural differences. There were hundreds of planets in the Kree Empire, each planet's customs, although Kree, carrying their own uniqueness and variations on traditions.

But now... now she knew everything. She knew where she was from, who her loved ones where, her childhood, her teenage years and so much more that it was almost overwhelming.

And yet... it didn't feel like her... not anymore. Too much had happened. Too much had changed. Carol felt like another person, a stranger whos memories had been stuffed into her head. That life, the life on Earth, didn't feel like it belonged to her. For so long now she had been Vers. Vers who was a proud member of Starforce, a warrior hero who flew among the stars to aid her people the Kree. She had been the protegee and best friend of Commander Yon-Rogg, a renowned hero of the empire. It was Vers who had been gifted with a unique and powerful gift from the Supreme Intigllence, an entity revered like a deity, for it had seen something in her, something great and strong that would set the stars ablaze.

Carol felt like the universe was laughing at her.

Her life that had been a lie felt more tangible than the life that had been real. She couldn't connect with the life she had lived on Earth, couldn't fully accept in her heart that that was who she truly was. Was it even who she really was? She didn't know. She didn't know who she was anymore. Carol. Vers. Pilot. Starforce agent. Friend. Foes. Lost one...

"I or one of my men could sim you instead," Talos suggested, still warily eyeing up Fury and the cat he was coddling. "We could distract him."

"No. You need to get the core and your people far away from the Kree. Maria can fly the ship and get you to Lawson - I mean, Mar-Vel's lab. No matter what happens make sure Maria gets home safely."

"Carol-" Maria cut in.

"Maria, I have to do this. If anyone else goes to meet him Yon will know instantly that it isn't me. He won't stop until he finds me and the core," Carol said softly. "If I go I can throw him off the scent. I'll tell him that the core was destroyed, along with Mar-Vel's lab and Talos's men."

Yon knew her - Vers - better than anyone. With how much time they spent together it was impossible for it to be any other way. Whether it be working, training or in their spare time, the two were always in one another's company. They were a unit, a team all on their own. Where one went the other followed. Two friends tied together by blood, duty and affection.

No, Carol thought bitterly, two friends tied together by Mar-vel's blood and lies.

Yon would know instantly whether or not it was her. Whatever Skrull was sent to try and fool him would die. Yon wouldn't hesitate, not for a Skrull, not for the enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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