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"Lucy. Come here," Lucy's sister, Emily waved for her to come to the computer screen. "Look."

"What is it?" She looked on the screen. a posting on facebook

"Look. It says you are in a relationship with Otis Riddle."

"No!" Said Lucy. "I never have even dated him "

"But did you speak to him? Did he talk to you? Did he ask you on a date?"

"I... I Did talk to him. He asked me out for a drink after work, but I said, no. No way. He just laughed and said,' we'll see about that.' But I never dated him."

Lucy sat down with her head in her hands. "Is there some way he misunderstood?"

"No." Said Emily. "This kind of guy will only get worse. You have a stalker."

Lucy rubbed her head. "No, I don't want this. What will I do?"

"I've got an idea. If he doesn't take no for an answer, we'll have to respond on facebook! I'll tell him that you are not in a relationship."

"Well, that should stop him."

Emily typed into facebook: "You are lying. Remove this post immediately, or we will call the police." She hits send, and the message is off.

A few minutes later, there was a new message.

"Lucy, come here. Look at this picture. How did he get that?"

"I don't know. I never took a picture with him. Maybe he found an old picture and photo-shopped it in."

"We need to stop this now," said Emily.

"We could just ignore him."

"No.says Emily, we need to do much more."

After a couple of days, the picture was still there. Otis had not changed his status. Also, there were more messages.

Emily opened facebook to this message:

"How did you like your meal at Red Lobster?"

"How did he know we were at Red Lobster?" Emily screamed at Lucy

"How did he know? Was it someone from work?" They both were shaking.

"No," Lucy's voice was trembling. " I didn't see anyone."

"Maybe he put a tracker on your car. Go look."

Lucy ran out to her car and found her jacket. In the pocket, she found a GPS tracker.

Otis had officially become a stalker.


Lucy had the GPS chip in her hand.

"Now," she thought, "the tables have turned. But how could I use it? Turn it into the police?

Throw it in the river?"

 She watched the black lab across the street.

He was a beautiful dog. But he was bored. He was laying on the ground hitting' it with his tail. Soon, he was trying to bite his tail. He couldn't reach it, so he stood up and chased it.

Both Lucy and Emily were laughing at the spectacle, then,

it struck her. The dog was Otis. She would put the tracker in his bag. He will be chasing his own tail.


At work the next day, she watched as Otis put his bag on his desk. She waited until

he went on break. She dropped the tracker in his bag and watched as he checked

his phone. She got up and walked To another desk. Otis looked at

his phone. He shook it and looked again,

Lucy smiled and slipped away.

"So, did he figure it out?" Lucy asked Emily

"He did something funny. He got up and went- phone in hand. He was tracking something, but

Not you."

"How do you know?"

"You went right. He went left."

"What about the bag?"

"The bag was gone. I think you put it in the wrong bag"


"A Visitor From CHINA".

Lucy went back to work the next day and Otis was not there.

"Where is he?" she asked one of his friends.

"He got on a plane last night to China."


"Hey, Lucy! You got a letter

from China." Emily ran into the house waving the international envelope.

It had been weeks since Otis' disappearance. Lucy was beginning to get back to her routine

without looking over her shoulder or watching mirrors. Now, this. She took the letter and read:

"I'm in a Chinese prison, convicted of being a spy.

an accusation I strongly deny

But while I'm here so far away,

I'll write to you every day.

We will meet again - in a lifetime or two,

And as long as we exist,

I will always find you"

Lucy closed the envelope and

let it fall into the trash can.

"We can file his letters here." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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