The door

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Two days later Yamato is sailing towards what's left of New Zealand.

Yamato has her arms around Chase's waist as she nuzzles his neck lovingly.
"So why are we going there?" She asked. "There's nothing left there."
"My weapons are there. And an old destroyer that I purchased before all this happened" He replied, holding her.

"An old destroyer? Which one?" Yamato inquired.
"Amagiri." Was the unexpected reply.
Amagiri? Yamato thought to herself. "Wait....... You mean the Amagiri? As in the Amagiri that rammed and sunk John F Kennedy's boat PT 109?"
"That's the one." Chase said sadly. "Do you think that you can make her like you? With a mental model?"

"I don't know." She admitted. She then saw his face drop. "But."
Chase looks at her. "But?"
Yamato smiled down at him. "I'll try."
She kissed him. "For you."

Unknown to both of them, a submarine was shadowing them.

"Gunzou? It seems to be Yamato."
"Yamato? Iona, Isn't Yamato meant to be in the north Pacific?"
"That was what she told me last time we met her."
"Let's see what she does" Gunzou ordered.
"Hai!" Iona confirms.

Back with Yamato they had just reached Wanganui.

Chase points to a large half-buried steel door in the cliff.
"Amagiri is in there." He said. "Wait here. I'm going to bring her out."
Yamato nods. "Yes Chase."

He climbs into one of Yamato's boats and goes ashore.

Yamato watches Chase step ashore and walk to the cliff.

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