Chapter 2

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Kagami crept home that night, constantly on edge. He didn't know if he was going to see those Kaibutsu again, so he wanted to be wary. Kagami was not about to become dog food. When he actually got home, he couldn't turn off his lights, too afraid to be in the dark alone.

"Where are you Kuroko?" Kagami wondered aloud when he was making some fried rice for himself, "Why were those Kaibutsu at your house?" Oh what Kagami wouldn't give to hear Kuroko's voice suddenly pop out of nowhere, scaring the wits out of him. Ah, but nothing can ever be so simple.

Kagami tried to focus on cooking (key word: tried), and not to fret about Kuroko. Kuroko was old enough to take care of himself, and this was probably a big misunderstanding. After all, it's not completely unreasonable that something big might have had happened and made Kuroko to forget about closing his door. Kuroko might have left just shortly before Kagami and the others had arrived, and those packages might have been delivered in the short difference in their timing. Kagami knew that the chances of that being true was slim, but he clung to it desperately. If not this, then what hope did Kagami have? But if this were true, what were the Kaibutsu there for?

Kagami poured the now done rice into  a white bowl and grabbed some chopsticks. He placed the pan he was cooking with in the sink and started to eat. He could shake off the image of those Kaibutsu from his head. They plagued him until he fell asleep in his bed. Even then, he had nightmares where he and Kuroko were being chased by the Kaibutsu. The most terrifying part was when the Kaibutsu actually caught up to them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagami woke up eventually. His sleep was restless, his worry for Kuroko making his dreams horrible. Kagami hoped they found Kuroko soon so that Kagami could sleep easier. That bastard was always getting into trouble with little to no regard at all to his own health. Kagami wouldn't be surprised if he was in a coma right now in freaking Germany because he saved Frank-Walter Steinmeier's daughter from a major car accident. Not that Kagami wouldn't be guilt-ridden and totally worried for his friend, but within the wide range of emotions that would surely hit (for something as drastic as that), surprise would not be one of them.

Kagami checked his phone more out of habit than anything. 'Shit! It's almost 7!' Kagami rushed to get ready and tried to make himself presentable for the Kiseki no Sedai. Or at least, most of them. Kagami was also starting to get worried about Kise. Both Kise and Kuroko missing at the same time? Was it just a coincidence? Or could there be more malicious intent beneath all of it?

(A/N: Imagine the Kaibutsu looks a little something like this

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(A/N: Imagine the Kaibutsu looks a little something like this.)

Kagami sighed. He couldn't think straight on an empty stomach and straight off from a nightmare like the one he had just had that night. He was standing in his bathroom, staring at his mirror. He looked like shit. His hair was almost rivaling Kuroko's bedhead. Kagami's eyes were red and bloodshot, like they would be just before an exciting game. 

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