The Wind (pt. 2)

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The morning air was cold and crisp. One thin, big cloud was covering the whole of the sky, making you expect a bit of rain at some point during the day. You had gotten on your way from where you had spent the night, packed your things and readied yourselves. The three of you on your two horses, getting on with your long trip to The Twins. You hadn't exchanged many words this morning, just making sure everyone were on board and ready to leave as soon as the sun had risen.

"You ready?" Sandor had asked you, almost whispering, making you think he didn't want Arya to hear him for some reason.

"Yeah," you muttered and nodded your head, giving him a slight smile.

You were steadily riding on your horse behind Sandor and Arya. It took you a while to realize that your eyes were pinned on the back of the big man in front of you. You couldn't help it. His big complexion was mesmerizing.

After a while, you stumble upon an inn.

"I'm starving, let's go in there," Sandor says. You stop your horses and look at the inn located before you. Arya looks at you.

"You're paying," she said. "Your money bag looks heavy enough," she nodded her head towards the bags hanging off the saddle on your horse.

You just scoff at the girl. "As you wish."

You got off your horses and went to check the place out. Approaching the inn, you see five men inside. You stop behind a bush to observe for a second.

"We could kill them off, have all the food for ourselves," Arya suggested. You gave her a look of disbelief.

"Why do you think that would be a good idea?" you said. "That's not necessary." Just as the words left your mouth, two men came out of the inn to relieve themselves.

"I know him. That's Polliver. He's a Lannister soldier. He took my sword, and he killed Lommy," Arya said, her voice stern.

"What the fuck's a Lommy?" Sandor said confused. You chuckled at him but quickly covered your mouth to not draw any attention to you by the men a few meters before you. Sandor just glanced at you in confusion.

"My friend, he killed my friend," Arya answered annoyed. You looked back at the guys as they walked back inside the inn. Suddenly Arya gasps. "He still has Needle!" She ran out of the bush towards the men. Sandor was quick to run after her, grabbing her arm, trying to stop her, but it was too late. A man in the doorway had seen them. You went after them.

The man observed the three of you, giving you a good look before Sandor looked at you and nodded his head towards the door. You headed inside.

The inn was noisy, the rest of the Lannister soldiers were having their way with a young woman, throwing her between themselves and laughing.

The three of you sit down at a table at the back of the inn, away from the rest of the people. You sit down opposite of Sandor and Arya, with your back to the Lannisters.

You knew the Lannister soldiers, they were a bunch of cunts. They trotted their way through all of King's Landing, doing what they felt like, just because they were wearing the King's colors. No one dared to fuck with them because they knew they were the King's men.

Mere seconds after sitting down, Polliver comes over and sits down beside you. You could feel him looking at you, but you decided not to look back at him, not wanting to give him that satisfaction.

From the corner of your eye, you could see him move his head to look at Sandor sitting across from you.

"You're the Hound!" Polliver said. "The King's guard. What are you doing in the Riverlands?"

Sandor Clegane / The Hound x readerWhere stories live. Discover now